Church news for May 31, 2015

Published 1:38 pm Thursday, June 4, 2015

Mt. Carmel No. 1 Baptist Church

Sunday was a beautiful day the Lord gave to us to gather in his house for worship. This is just one of the many blessings we have for which we should be thankful. Another is the Word of God, which we have been given to lead, guide, direct, teach and comfort us as we go through life.

Bro. Terry Smith used the passage from Proverbs 16:25 to bring us a message titled “The Way that Seems Right.”

As we travel on our pathway of life, there will be times when our desired destination will not be reached without encountering trouble and disruptions on the way.  Are we prepared for these problems or those times when that we may be forced to take a detour?

The devil is always lurking about to upset our plans and entice us to journey down the wrong road. He may encourage us to take the morale road, but the road of morality can be deceptive.

We may think being a good, moral person is the road we should take, but if we look at Romans 20:3, we are told that the deeds of the law cannot justify us.

The religious road is not the way either.  Without Christ as our Savior, the religious road does not lead to the destination of heaven.

We may be tricked into believing that the way of the majority is always correct; again the Word of God teaches us this is not the right way either. A great example is that of the mob that cried out to have Christ crucified.

Remember this: Everyone will have to give an account of his or her own life at the time of judgment. We need to be sure the path we are traveling is the way that is right in the sight of God, not the one that seems right to us.

On Sunday evening, our message was brought by Nolin Maudlin. He used Romans 12:1-4 as his text. “Are You Where God Wants You?” was the title of his message.

Paul begged us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God. Serving God in this manner will allow us to be close to him and be in his will. Without being close to God, it is easy for us to become conformed to the world instead being transformed by the renewing of our minds. As Christians, our lives need to reflect Christ. We should evaluate our lives through the eyes of Christ, not through the eyes of the world. When we do this, we may discover that we are not where God wants us to be.

At the time of this writing, our pastor’s mother Ruth McAfee is in the hospital. Please remember her as you pray. Also, Mrs. Gladys Franklin is in rehab at Shelby Ridge. As you pray for these two, please remember Jennifer Watley, Elladene Mims, Leona Liveoak, Tammy Harmon, Kay Franklin, Minnie Childress, Douglas Liveoak, Faye Franklin, Jenny Hayes and especially the lost. They are all in need of a touch from God.

Our VBS will be held June 28-July 2 from 6-8:30 p.m. each evening. Commencement will take place on July 2 during the last hour of VBS. A kick-off rally for VBS will be held at 2:30 p.m. on June 27. There will be classes for all ages.

The youth of the church are planning a trip to Atlanta. If you would like to go, please contact Geoffrey Lockhart. Adult chaperones are needed.

If you do not have a church home, you are always welcome to worship with us at Mt. Carmel No. 1.

Submitted by Louise Liveoak