Church news for May 31, 2015

Published 1:38 pm Thursday, June 4, 2015

Bethsalem Baptist Church

We had a great service on Sunday morning. Bro. Cleve Mallory gave the announcements, welcomed everyone and led the singing.

The Celebration Choir’s special was “Cross of Love.”

Bro. Cleve preached his sermon “Invited to the Feast” using scripture from Luke 14:15-24.

Pray for our country and its leaders, Paul Price, Stephanie Hinton, Tyler Abbott, Lowell Strock, Chad Nix,

Jonathan Limbrick, Justin and Peter Daugherty, Hunter Moore, Kinlee Till, Michael Arnold, Jimmy Headley, Sid Griner, Debbie Jones, Kyle Fulford, Kathy Fitzgerald, Lisa Nixon, Pat Blalock, Wayne Cobb, Melissa Langford, James Howard, Shirley Smith, Mike Smith, Renie Thomas, Patsy Rhodes, our homebound, those facing cancer, and assisted living and nursing home residents.

Happy birthday to Alex Green, Preslie Ash, Heather Mason, Emily Chandler, Merry Kelley, Melissa Glenn, Christian Polk, Dana Kelley, Julie Emmerich, Nathan Williams, Don Knight, Amanda Arnold, Kendall Elrod, Harmony Arnold and Randy Sims.

Don’t forget about VBS, which will be held June 8-12. Also, Care Net baby bottles are due by June 21, which is Father’s Day.

Have a blessed week, and come and worship with us on Sunday.

Submitted by Elvie Patterson

Calvary Independent Baptist Church

We wish to thank everyone who attended services this past Sunday.

Sunday morning services included a message from Mark 10:46-52 titled “Are You Willing to Let Jesus Pass You By?” We looked at someone sitting by the highway, a sinner calling on the Son, satisfied with where you are at and sight for a higher direction.

There are plenty of people sitting and watching Jesus pass them by because they are not ready to cast off their old garments, crying out unto Jesus for mercy, and looking for sight to make God’s way their way in life. We hope you are saved and loving the Lord Jesus Christ enough to live your life in such a way that he can use you for his purpose and for his glory.

Sunday night services included a study of last half of Acts 22. We looked at Paul’s testimony of his salvation and how he was chosen to know, to see and to hear the Lord Jesus Christ. We are thankful for the revelation of the mystery. The Church-age doctrine was given to us through the thirteen books written by our apostle to the Gentiles. These writings complete the Word of God.

All saints have a past, and all sinners have a future. How foolish must one be to reject the gospel of Christ and end up at that place of second death? How foolish did the people in Acts 22:23 look when they would not hear the testimony of Paul? I don’t know about you, but those who have a testimony of what Jesus Christ has done in their lives are the people I want to spend more time with. It is great to be saved and to see what God is doing in 2015!

If you are looking for a church to visit this Sunday, we would love to see you at Calvary.

Buddy Liles will be special guest singer for the 10 a.m. service on June 14. There is no admission free, but a love offering will be taken at the end of the service to support him as he travels in his ministry.

VBS will take place July 20-24 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. each evening. We will have an adult class all week as well as something for the children. You can pre-register your kids on our website, which is listed below.

For services and events, check us out on Facebook, Twitter or visit our website at

Submitted by Oscar Mims