Church news for the week of May 3, 2015

Published 1:52 pm Thursday, May 7, 2015

Bethsalem Baptist Church

Our day of worship began with Bro. Cleve Mallory making announcements and welcoming everyone.

Jason Hill gave an AWANA presentation and the children recited Bible verses.

Bro. Justin preached the sermon from Ephesians 1:15-23, 2:11-5 and 3:14-21. We serve a powerful God. Are you living a life of Jesus’ calling?

The Celebration Choir sang “Ten Thousand Years,” with a solo by Belda Coburn.

AWANA awards were given in the evening service. We are proud of our children and our director Jeff Hill.

Happy birthday to Holly Ray, Addie Gray, Kenneth Pickle, Dylan Baker, Elaine Hayes, Rebecca Lovett, Cissy Morris, Patrica Coles, Elizabeth Chandler, Ryan Spigner, Lillanna Thompson and Annie Dobbs.

Those celebrating anniversaries are Jason and Miranda Hill (three years), Mike and Leslie Hinton (five years) and Frankie and Carol Smith (36 years).

Pray for our country and its leaders, Patsy Rhodes, Kathy Fitzgerald, Joan Emmerich, Kyle Fulford, Mattie, Debbie Jones, Sid Griner, Myra Burnett, Jimmy Headley, Michael Arnold, Kinlee Till, Hunter Moore, Patsy Burnett, Justin and Peter Daugherty, David Boozer, Jonathan Limbrick, Cecilia Crabbe, Chad Nix, Lowell Strock, Jacob Browder, “Ma Ma” Mims, Tyler Abbott, Stephanie Hinton, Paul Price, Gladys Bryant, Terry Johnson, our shut-ins, the homebound, those facing cancer, and assisted living and nursing home residents.

Upcoming events:

Mother’s Day is May 8. Make plans to worship with us on that day.

The Gray-Nelson wedding will be held at Bethsalem at 2 p.m. on May 9.

Graduate recognition will take place May 17, and we will host Billingsley High School’s baccalaureate service that evening.

VBS will be held June 8-12.

Submitted by Elvie Patterson

Floyd Baptist Church

Bro. Mike Lawrence’s message was taken from Acts 7:54-60 and titled “Unclaimed and Unwanted.”

Stephen was a servant of God. He was proclaiming the message of salvation to those who were lost, but he was unwanted by them, and they stoned him as a result.

Jesus was unclaimed and unwanted, and God’s message of salvation is unclaimed and unwanted. So is repentance because people want to keep living a life of sin.

Godly men are unclaimed and unwanted as well. The love of many has waxed cold. In the last days, people will not endure sound doctrine. We are in those days now. The world is in turmoil. God is getting ready to take his Church home with him, and he will punish the world because of the ungodly things taking place.

Everyone is welcome to worship with us at Floyd.