Church news for the week of May 3, 2015

Published 1:52 pm Thursday, May 7, 2015

Rocky Mount UMC

This is the season in which we look forward to the fresh strawberries and peaches produced in our county. Bro. Phil gave us a detailed description of some foods, especially pancakes, which we like to enjoy topped with our favorite fruits. Just as our food is more enjoyable with those toppings, so are our lives.

Our lives and our Christian faith can get so wrapped up in little stuff that we forget what is really important. We need to remember the things like love, joy, gentleness and self-control, and how they go together to make our lives better. There is no law against the goodness that Jesus has given us, and we must give these things freely. When we know that Christ and his Spirit lives in us, love, peace, kindness, goodness, etc. should come out. Love God, and love others.

Today is the day to accept Jesus and spread the Word because you don’t know what tomorrow holds for you. Don’t wait; you never know …

Submitted by Betty Janney

Jackson Chapel Church

Bro. Gary Fant got the morning worship service started off with “There is Power in the Blood” and “He Set Me Free” and Sister Carol Smith sang “He Lives” for the morning special.

Bro. Reburn’s text came from Luke 4:16-20: We as Christians need to stop every day and thank God for his many blessings. In order to receive the blessings of God we first must be born again. When we get to the point where we want what Jesus Christ has to offer, we will begin to see things we never thought were possible. When we become a child of God, we are no longer under the bondage of sin so we begin to experience those blessings. We need to learn to be grateful for those blessings and not take them for granted.

The service ended with several coming to pray.

Congratulations to Horace and Juanita Wyatt on 50 years of wedded bliss.

Please remember these as you pray this week: The Mims family, the Gray family, Joyce Brooks, our lost loved ones, our service men and women, and unspoken requests.

Submitted by Misty Burnett