Church news for the week of April 26, 2015
Published 1:01 pm Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Mountain Springs Church
Bro. Kenneth Moates started the Sunday morning service with the hymns “Victory in Jesus,” “Heaven’s Jubilee,” “I’ll Be Satisfied” and “I Want to Know More about My Lord.”
Bro. Roger Cleckler brought his devotion from Jeremiah 17:7-8. If we’re not careful, we will look at how big and majestic a tree is, and we will begin to adore the tree. But if you put that tree in the desert by itself, it begins to wither and die. It’s not the tree, but where the tree is planted. We want to be the tree that is grounded and planted by the water. In the same way, it’s not about us, but all about Jesus, the “Water” we are rooted by.
After Sunday school, the choir sang “This Blood.”
Bro. Heath Vines brought his message from 2 Kings 5:1-14. Our attitudes are extremely important when it comes to dealing with God and his Word. Our attitudes can prevent us from being who God wants us to be. God has given us all we need; we need not expect more.
Naaman complained when God told him what to do to heal him of his leprosy. People have a worse condition than leprosy, and that condition is sin. People complain about repenting and dedication. Instead of complaining, let’s accept God’s answer.
God sent to Naaman someone who told him the truth about the situation. God wants to surround us with people who are willing to tell us the truth about our situation.
Are our attitudes preventing great things in our life? Are they preventing us from being saved? Have the proper attitude in your life: an obedient attitude.
On Sunday night, we held the End-of-the-Month Singing. Songs sung include “I’m Glad I’m Saved,” “Who Am I,” “Boundless Love” and “When Jesus Passed By.”
The Mother/Daughter Banquet will be held on May 9 at 2 p.m. with speaker Kyla Rowland.
Barry Rowland and Deliverance will be singing at Mountain Springs at 7 p.m. on May 9.
Submitted by Savannah Parrish
Calvary Independent Baptist Church
Sunday morning’s service included a message from Revelation 22:11-16, 20-21 and other passages. The sermon title was “I Am Glad God Has Not Changed His Mind.”
We looked at having encouragement through the promises of Christ that he is coming again, Jesus Christ himself being the source of our encouragement, and at the surety of encouragement that we have because God does not lie.
We hope you stand for the things of God and have found encouragement in having a right relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Sunday night’s service included a short song service, a message from Isaiah 55:6-13 about the Word of God being precious to believers, being productive in the lives of believers and also being prosperous in our lives.
God begins a work in each believer’s life from the time of salvation forward, and the work he began he will continue to do until the day our body is redeemed. We hope you are saved and know that God is still working in your life today.
If you are looking for a church to visit this Sunday, we would love to see you at Calvary. For service times and other events, check us out on Facebook or Twitter, or visit our website at Hope to see you this Sunday!
Submitted by Oscar Mims