County hires new EMA director
Published 4:00 pm Tuesday, April 15, 2014
In other news, the commission:
•Accepted two bids for a security system at the Chilton County Jail but waited to select one of the bids until the sheriff had time to look over the bids.
•Heard from Higgins Ferry Park Manager Frank Atkinson about a new storm shelter opened at Higgins Ferry.
“I was given the keys to the shelter, and we are about 99 percent finished,” Atkinson said. “We lack a set of steps that go from the parking lot to the storm shelter.”
Atkinson told commissioners the county would have to cover the cost of the steps, but he was working with Wearren on possible solutions to build them.
“Tony said he could handle it, so I am leaving it with Tony,” Atkinson said.
Caton told Atkinson he wanted to publicly thank him for the work he has done at the park during his time as park manager.
“I want to thank you for the service you have given to this county and to your job,” Caton said. “You always hear the expression someone will be hard to replace, but that is definitely true in your case. You have done an excellent job.”
Atkinson announced earlier this year he plans to retire in May.
“The commission has always worked with me,” Atkinson said. “I would come to you all with different requests, and one way or another we would work together and get the job done.”
•Voted to take bids for a yearly maintenance contract for lawn care at the Chilton County Courthouse, Chilton County Tag Office and Chilton County Extension Office.
The discussion came after the sheriff requested money from the commission to purchase a new trailer and lawn equipment for inmates at the jail for lawn maintenance.
Caton said after researching different prices, it would cost the county roughly $7,000 to purchase new equipment and a trailer.
“In order for the county to get in the grass-cutting business, we are looking at a lot of money,” Caton said.
Powell told commissioners she had researched several local contractors with lower prices.
Caton said he would work with Powell to come up with a list of specifications for the contract.
Everyone voted in favor.
•Voted to advertise an in-house job description for a county parks and recreation manager for both Minooka Park and Higgins Ferry Park.
Commissioners tabled a discussion during the Feb. 10 commission meeting brought forth by Welch concerning the position.
Welch told commissioners in February he would like to see Minooka Park Manager Gerald Arrington assume the position of a county parks and recreation manager since Higgins Ferry Park Manager Frank Atkinson was retiring.
Some of the commissioners expressed concerns with the amount of funding that would be required for the new position and tabled the discussion.
Headley said on Monday that he would not be in favor of the position if it meant a pay raise.
Everyone voted in favor to advertise an in-house job description for the position.
•Approved a resolution for the commission to agree to a loan renewal of the Solid Waste Authority in the amount of $682,000. The commission only guaranteed a portion of the loan renewal and will share the responsibility of the loan with the four municipalities in the county.