Church News for Thursday, Jan. 2
Published 10:28 am Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Samaria Baptist Church
Our pastor, Bro. Charles, used several passages of scripture today, but he began with 1 John 1-5. God is Light. We celebrate that God is in control of all things, not us. Behold,” he says, “I am the Lord.” With God all things are possible. He brings to pass what he will. He spoke the world into being. He spoke light into being. He is Omnipotent. God ordains what things came to be. God has control over nature. He hears us when we are in the midst of a storm, whether it be of nature or of life. Sometimes we tend to get into trouble of our own doing. God has a way of coming to our aid. Who can stand before the fierceness of God?
We must subject ourselves to his will. If God wills, we do this or that. Even the angels are subject to his power and his will. He is always available to us. The only thing keeping us from him is our own sin and disobedience. Of his understanding, there is no limit. His understanding and knowledge is limitless. Everything has a part in his purpose and his plan, as did Christ coming to earth in the form of a human baby to live, serve, teach, heal and suffer a death on a cross for us to have a pathway to heaven. We are saved because of God’s plan; he set it up that way. We have an inheritance. We are able to receive the wonder of heaven because that is the way God planned it. The acceptance is left up to us.
Preachers are called by the Holy Spirit, and teachers are also called. Never underestimate the power of Sunday school and what affect it can have on a person of any age. God can cause ungodly men of wrath to serve and worship him. Every facet of his Trinity is equal to the other—God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. God is perfect in all. God knows our wrongs and rights, and he can be the healer of our sin sickness. Let us depend on an awesome Father today to lift us up in times of despair.
Happy Birthday to Alana Deavers and Ryan Jones. Happy Anniversary to Janet and Chris Driskell.
God bless all who read this. Please visit Samaria if you are looking for a church home.
Mountain Springs Church
Services started with Bro. Kenneth Moates leading the church in the following hymns: “The Old Gospel Ship,” “Just a Little Talk With Jesus,” “That Glad Reunion Day,” “I Never Shall Forget the Day,” “I Have Somebody With Me” and “Where the Milk and Honey Flows.”
Bro. Roger Cleckler gave a devotion from Psalms 119:105. When life is dark, let God be your light. Keep the word of God close to you and you will never be left in the dark.
Bro. Heath Vines preached from Psalms 4:1-3. Prayer is a very important thing in a Christian’s life. Having a relationship with Jesus Christ and living for him daily is what makes us righteous.
Sunday night’s service began with Bro. Kenneth leading the church in the hymns “I’ll Be Satisfied,” “Living By Faith” and “Where the Soul Never Dies.”
Bro. Kenneth gave a devotion from 1 John 2:9-10. When people quit walking with Christ, they begin to stumble. To have a good walk with Christ, we must love one another and always stand for what’s right.
Bro. Heath preached from Jeremiah 15:16. We need to be committed to the word of God because it is written with a purpose, it is food for our soul and the Bible gives us light.
We are excited for all the great things the Lord has in store for our church in 2014. We could not imagine facing a new year without him. We invite you to come be a part of our family at Mountain Springs Church.