Church News for Thursday, Oct. 24

Published 1:51 pm Thursday, December 26, 2013

Cedar Grove Church

There is power in the name of Jesus!

We had a great turn out for our Harvest Fest. Great food and wonderful fellowship was had by all. We got to meet a lot of new people in the community. We welcome them to come again and join us in serving the Lord.

Bro. Jeff Carroll’s text came from James 4:13 and 1 John 2:15, titled “How to Be a Christian.”

God’s word tells us not to love the world or the things in this world. If we love the world, the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life—is not of the Father, but of the world. The world is passing away, but he who does the will of God abides forever.

We as Christians have a high responsibility to obey God. When we become Christians, we develop new values and a new character. As sinners, we would be dying every day on the downhill slope to damnation, but as Christians, we have the hope through Jesus Christ our Savior of becoming more like Christ. Most people are planning for tomorrow as if there is no end coming to this world. They are depending on the world system instead of saying, “If God wills it, I will do this or that.” We as Christians, even though we go through trials, are to endure and will endure through Christ, praising him through our circumstance. Let our “yes” be yes and our “no” be no.

Christians understand they need God’s help, singing and praising God even when they do not feel like it, because God inhabits the praises of his people.

Love to all. God bless and have a great week!

Prayer concerns: Joyce Scott, Diane Patterson, Janet Wyatt, Sherry Cleckler, Mr. Ken’s family, Bobbie Giles, our church family and our church outreach program.

Calvary Independent Baptist Church

We want to thank everyone who took part in making our Homecoming/Old-Fashioned Day a wonderful day of worship.

Sunday’s morning service included Bro. John Pullen preaching from John 9:4 about our need to be obedient unto God while there is still time to work. The night is coming when no man will be able to work the works of God. How about you today? Are you taking the opportunity to serve God in the work he has called you unto?

After being blessed with spiritual food for our souls, we went downstairs, where we were blessed with an abundance of food for our bodies. After lunch, we went back upstairs for more spiritual blessings through the singing of Canaan Land.

Our evening services included a message from Romans 11:25-36 on the fullness of the Gentiles. The time of the Gentiles began about 600 B.C. and will run until the Battle of Armageddon. It is about the political reign of the Gentiles. The fullness of the Gentiles began about 34 A.D. and has to do with the spiritual reign of the Gentiles, which ends with the catching out of the Church, or what we refer to as the Rapture of the body of Christ.

We have an awesome opportunity set before us today. The work is readily available and God has thoroughly supplied and qualified every called believer. What more does God need to do before we can serve him? It is not about what God needs to do; the ball is in our court. What are we going to do?

We hope you are living out your life in obedience to the work set before you. We want to invite everyone out to a Fall Harvest event this Saturday, Oct. 26 at Calvary Baptist, beginning at 4 p.m. There will be games, food, fellowship and an evening full of activities for children and adults alike. We would also love for you to consider being a part of any or all of our regular services. We are located south of Clanton, just past Dollar General, off U.S. 31 on Fulmer Drive. Sunday school: 9 a.m., Children’s Church and adult worship service: 10 a.m., Sunday night service: 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday services: 6:30 p.m. You may also like to visit our website, where you can view our events calendar, add prayer request, send us email and listen to or download sermons at For more information by phone, you can call Pastor Oscar Mims at (205) 755-9399.