Church News for Thursday, Nov. 21
Published 4:27 pm Thursday, December 26, 2013
Samaria Baptist Church
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Our prayer needs for today include the people in the Philippines, the people in the Midwest, Illinois and Ohio who had tornadoes on Sunday. Prayers for Mr. Vernon Lockhart are extended as well, and for the Tim Mims family in his passing.
Bro. Charles’ message today came from 2 Corinthians 3:1-5 titled “How to Overcome Inadequacy.” In Christ, we can become adequate individuals, capable of awesome things by his guidance. Without him in our lives, we suffer from being severely inadequate. It’s always good for a person to work hard, plan well, save well and dream; however, there is no such thing as a self-made man or woman. It’s awesome to become self-sufficient, meaning that you are taking care of your family and yourself, and not depending on the government or family members to carry your load. This still does not mean that you can handle all the burdens and challenges in life. God can take a willing soul and make it much more than adequate. He enables us to have ability and strength by that godliness he places within us.
God imputes to us a holiness that we cannot earn. None of us can live holy and righteous lives without his stamp of righteousness through the Holy Spirit. We are given special promises that he will never leave us, and Satan cannot have us again within his grip.
Our country is rampant with immorality. Pornography is a multimillion dollar business. It tears apart the love of God in a person’s life. Trust is hard to reclaim when a partner is unfaithful, and adulterous actions link to porn in many situations. God, however, is sufficient. Nothing more is needed but him in order to achieve the forgiveness and peace that will repair the most hopeless of situations. Jesus wants to cleanse us by the Word of God. The Bible tells us how to live and has a portion about every question we may have about life. Churches minister to every need in the church family. Jesus is sufficient for all our needs.
Let us all learn to rely on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is faithful and will never fail us. May God bless you and your family as we approach Thanksgiving.
Mountain Springs Church
Services started with Bro. Ricky Cleckler leading the church in the following hymns: “Glory to His Name,” “I Want to Know More About My Lord,” “Jesus Is Coming Soon” and “Heaven’s Jubilee.”
We had a very spirit-filled prayer service and everyone was blessed by the Lord’s presence. We are so thankful for the wonderful services God gives us each week.
Bro. Roger Cleckler gave a devotion from Genesis 7:1: All throughout the verses of the Bible, Jesus tells us to come unto him. He seeks for us to come to him and we will be blessed.
Sunday night’s service began with Bro. Ricky Cleckler leading the church in the hymns “I’ll Fly Away,” “This World Is Not My Home,” “My Lord Keeps a Record” and “Where Milk and Honey Flows.”
Bro. Ashley Bice gave a devotion from John 13: We are either doing something for Christ or we are not. We need to think about where we are with Christ. Are we doing something for him or standing still?
Bro. Sam Ross sang “We Need to Thank God” and blessed the church with a wonderful song.
We are honored to have Bro. Donald Vanderslice and Bro. Heath Vines to share the pulpit at Mountain Springs. Bro. Heath preached from Psalms 31:19: God’s goodness will never fail us. We are going to go through hard times, but God will always bless us in the end.
Next Sunday, Nov.24, we will have a Thanksgiving service starting at 6 p.m. The speaker will be Bro. Jerry Cleckler, and Canaanland will be singing. It will be a blessing and we hope to see you there!