Church News for Thursday, Sept. 26
Published 10:52 am Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Samaria Baptist Church
Bro. Charles brought today’s message from Isaiah 40: 1 -31. God gave Isaiah the message designed to comfort and enlighten his people. This new message was meant for them to use to comfort each other. The message of deliverance was later brought by John the Baptist, who was “the voice crying in the wilderness.” As John baptized Jesus, God’s son, Jesus came up out of the water. The heavens opened, and the Spirit of God said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
We find in Isaiah that crooked places were made straight and the rough made plain. God reveals his glory when we read his word and seek him. God never fails in his word to provide a way for those who seek him. Behold your God. We are responsible to help the lost see their condition and lead them to him. God fills us with the Holy Spirit to become what we ought to be. Church is a creation of God. He will reward those who serve him. In helping those in need, we serve our Lord. No one is perfect, but knowing that he wipes our sin away as if it never happened is a promise that we will always have in him. We will never be short-changed or let down if we commit our lives to him. He feeds us like a shepherd feeds his flock.
Israel was the most powerful nation. Moses carried the children of Israel through the wilderness toward the Promised Land. God still answers prayer today. He loves our soul and protects us in every way of life. He can heal and restore broken hearts and broken lives. He is much better to us than we could ever be to him. He is never far away. He is always at hand, and he will come to your rescue. He will provide someone in every place to be a blessing if we just let him, for God never fails. Please visit us at Samaria.
Bethany Baptist Church
Services at Bethany Baptist Church opened with the hymn, “Take the Name of Jesus With You,” led by Bro. Chris Knight. Welcome and prayer were given by Bro. Aubry Wallace, along with the introduction of our visiting missionary to Costa Rica, Bro. Jeff Thomas and his wife, Ethel; son, Grant and daughter, Ashleigh. We were then dismissed to our Sunday school classes where Bro. Jeff spoke to the men and Sis. Ethel shared some of the mission work in Costa Rica. After Sunday school, the congregation sang two hymns led by Chris: “Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus” and “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms.” The choir special was “Living by Faith.” Bro. Aubry gave the announcements, including our Homecoming on Sunday, Sept. 29 beginning at 10 a.m. with prayer and singing, followed by a Power Point presentation and a message by former pastor, Bro. Paul Gray. We will end with a meal in the fellowship hall.
Following a prayer, the congregation sang “Rock of Ages.” The speaker, Bro Jeff Thomas, was introduced and gave us a little information about the work and services in Costa Rica. Music is a very important part of their worship services. Also, they have no concept of time. Their services may go for three hours or more. Imagine us in America wanting to stay that long to hear the Word of God taught. Church is and should always be a time of worship, not just a weekly duty. The standard of worship should be set very high.
The morning message was from Ephesians 6:15: “And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.” In fullness of time, God had the gospel message spread. Men of God walked to proclaim the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. They were to always have on their shoes of service. Today, we too must always be wearing our shoes of service. Everywhere we go, we should be spreading the good news of Jesus Christ by the way we live our lives, and always telling others what Jesus has done for us as saved people. Even when we are home alone, we should live a life of service to the Lord! One example in the Bible of a man always ready to serve God was Daniel. Even though he was a captive in a foreign country, he always prayed to the Lord every day—not once, but three times a day.
Bro. Jeff led in prayer, followed by a hymn of invitation, “Saved by the Blood.” Bro. Hubert Griffin prayed our dismissal prayer and asked the blessing on the meal, which followed in the fellowship hall with the missionary family.
Sunday night, services opened with the hymn “Love Lifted Me.” Bro. Aubry led in prayer and brought his message from Job 6:22-30. Job went through many valleys in just a short period of time in his life. He lost his wealth, livestock, servants, health and all his children, but he never lost his faith in God. We, like Job, will go through many valleys in our lives. As with Job, the devil is our enemy. We must not be defeated by the devil and we must never lose our faith in God. Job 14:1 states “Man that is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble.” No one is exempt from burdens and sorrows. We do not need to live in the past; we must live for the future. John16:33 says, “Ye shall have tribulation, be of good cheer.” During times of trouble, we either move closer to God or farther away. If we depend on God, he will take care of us.
Duties expected of us while walking through valleys in life are to be proactive, not passive. We should, as Job did, worship God, and never be angry with God. Job’s wife wanted Job to curse God and die. Job 13:15, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust him.” Will we be faithful if we were in Job’s shoes and had lost everything we owned? During times of tribulation and heartache, God is molding us into his image. We should never allow problems to cause us to quit doing what we should be doing for the Lord. God’s brightest stars are those who have endured the most suffering (the Apostle Paul, for example). Following the message and prayer, Bro. Chris led us in a hymn of invitation, “When the Roll is Called Up Yonder.” We were then dismissed in prayer.
Prayer requests include Bro. Aubry and Shirley Wallace, Elwyn and Grace Robinson, Billie Neeley, Jackie Neeley, Mary Knight, Betty Biggs, Bro. Steve and Phyllis, our church, Bro. Danny Jones, all missionaries and their families.