Church News for Thursday, Sept. 26
Published 10:52 am Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Mars Hill Baptist Church
Fall has arrived with cooler weather and beautiful foliage—and we still serve the same great God who put the moon and stars in place and divided the seasons! Fall or autumn, whichever you choose to call it, it’s just one more reason to stand in awe of our God and what he can do.
Our revival is winding down to the final services this Sunday and Monday night, Sept. 29 and 30, with Bro. Billy Wyatt as guest speaker. Please come out and share this time in the Lord with us.
Bro. William Short took the message this week from Jeremiah 24. The Lord showed Jeremiah two baskets of figs, one basket of figs was very good; the other was very bad. The Lord asked Jeremiah, “What do you see, Jeremiah?” To which he responded, “Figs: the good figs, very good; and the bad, very bad, which cannot be eaten, they are so bad.” When we look at ourselves, we tend to see only the good, but when we look at others, we are quick to point out the bad things. Why is that? We can see fault; it’s evident in our attitudes to those around us. Why can’t we see the bad in ourselves? The Lord has told us not to judge others, lest we ourselves be judged, so why do we? Sometimes, like the two baskets of figs, the good is very evident in what we can see and taste. Other times, tasting is the only way to tell the bad—the evil—from the good.
We hear people say that crooks have it made: they get away with everything, live like the devil and never pay for their crimes. Not so. Maybe in this life on earth they never seem to pay for their actions, but brother, in the life to come, there will be a payday. No one knows the day or the hour that Jesus is coming back, so be ready at all times. Keep your sins under the blood and live an honest, upstanding life for Jesus, for yourself and for others to see. Those outside the church, outside the will of God and outside the knowledge of Jesus may think they have it made by doing whatever they want, whenever they want and never paying the consequences of unholy living—but hang on! The devil has you right where he wants you, and then … Zap! He will drop you like a hot potato, and the world and its sins will swallow you up. Be the good figs, friend; ask Jesus into your heart today, and live for him.
Just like good and bad figs, there are good and bad preachers. Oops, bad preachers? Yes, the ones that don’t preach the Bible and its truth—the whole truth; the ones that tell you what you want to hear and not what you need to hear. The Bible tells us that a preacher should be the husband of one wife (not one wife at a time, either) and that tells me a woman can’t be a preacher, like it or not. If you believe the Bible, you have to believe the whole Bible, not just the parts you like. If a preacher stirs you up, exposes your sins and makes you squirm in your seat, he’s a God-called preacher. Praise God for Bro. William Short, for he is surely a good preacher. Bro. Short will be the first one to tell you not to pin any roses on him. The only good in any of us is Jesus Christ. There are many things not right in this world today, and life is too short to listen to a bad (worldly) preacher. Hate the sin, but love the sinner, that’s what Jesus does, and that’s what we should do.
There are also good believers and bad believers. The demons in hell believe in God, and they tremble when he speaks! Are you a good fig or a bad one? Does someone need to be around you very long to determine which kind of fig you are?
We are lazy Christians; we only want to hear about how good we are, how God loves us and wants the best for us—and he does—without ever lifting a finger to deserve any of it. We complain, whine and get mad at any little thing: the preacher is too long-winded, the music is too loud, it’s too cold or it’s too hot, etc. Read the word of God; it will quickly point you in the right direction of becoming a good believer. Believe on the word, act like it, think like it, and above all, live like it. Stand up for Jesus. The world won’t like you, but what’s more important to you? What the world thinks or what Jesus desires of us? Don’t twist God’s word to suit your own needs or purposes.
Repentance is the only way to have your sins forgiven under the blood of Jesus. There is good repentance and bad repentance. Are you really sorry for your sins, or just sorry you got caught in your sins? Well, that’s a good question. Examine your heart today. The gift of God is eternal life. The wage of sin is death. It’s your choice: good figs or bad figs? Admit your sins today, right now, and be sincere to Jesus; don’t just pay lip service then go back out and do the same things again. Ask him for his forgiveness and live a new life for him from this day forward. Your payday will be much richer for it in the end, friend. Jesus is all things good and good for you! Sept. 28 at 6 p.m., The Kempters will be singing for us at Mars Hill. Come out and be blessed by this wonderful, talented family! No admission fee required, just come out and fellowship with us. Please continue to pray for our revival, our church, our pastor, the sick, the lost, the hurting, our schools, our teachers, our troops and our government. God is good, all the time! Amen.
Bethsalem Baptist Church
Bro. Bobby opened our day of worship with ministry opportunities and by welcoming everyone. The congregation sang great songs. The Celebration Choir provided the special music, “God is Faithful.”
Bro. Bobby preached from Revelation 3:7-13. His message was titled “Philadelphia: Doors of Unlimited Potential.”
Sonya Tucker was our guest speaker in the evening service. She shared with us how we can be more effective in connecting with others and making them a part of our church family.
Happy Birthday to Mike Williams, Kelly Courtney, Leah Jones, Zephan Reyna, Jennie Mims, Robbie Gilliland, Jay Pierce, James Chandler, Robin Mims, Rhonda Gray, Sasha Mims and Davidica McConnell. Pray for these: Charles and Gladys Bryant, Sid Griner, Rebecca Martin, Rex Kent, the Crawford family, Pete Burnett, Hunter Moore, Nell Mims, our Pastor Search Committee, Randy Bryant, Eldridge Townsend, Lillianna Thompson, Billy and Diane Sanders, Jennifer and Brandon Teel, Tyler Barnes and George and Diane Williams. Come and worship with us on Sundays.