Church News for Thursday, Sept. 19
Published 10:16 am Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Cedar Grove Church
God is good!
Announcements: Friday Night Prayer Meeting starts at 7 p.m.
Specials today were brought by Sis. Sandra Carroll, who sang “Paid in Full” and Sis. Stacey Wyatt, who sang “What Love is This.” We loved hearing mother and daughter sing today.
Prayer concerns: Felicia Patterson, Josh Hayes, Janet Wyatt, Mary McGuire, Rebecca Martin, Joyce Scott and Jada Mosely.
Pastor Jeff Carroll’s sermon came from Revelation 14:14-20 titled “The Harvest.” The harvest is the church and it is ripe for reaping and gathering in preparation for meeting the Lord. If you wait too long, you can miss the harvest and miss salvation. The opportunity is not tomorrow, next week, next month or even next year; the opportunity is now, the present. Today is the day of salvation. Little do we know how quickly our opportunity can be taken away when we least expect it.
Not even the Son knows when his return will be; only the Father knows. Think about it: If Christ was to come back today, or it was your time to die, what you have done for Jesus so far is all you have. You can’t go back. There are no do-overs in life; it is what it is. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The way you are found at the Rapture is the way you will be. When the harvest comes, all prophecies will have been fulfilled. Sin will have run its course, and as we know, it is so prevalent throughout the world. The world is ripe with sin and sinners, seeking the devil and what the world has to offer.
Jesus is coming; Jesus is coming. When the reapers come, will you be in the prime of your spirituality? How do you stand today? Do not delay, for the Rapture and harvest are nearing. Be on alert and focused on Christ’s return.
Love to all from Cedar Grove Church. God bless and have a great week!
Mount Carmel No. 1
Our Sunday morning service was such a blessing. We are thankful for all who came to worship and praise the Lord. Bro. Derrell began he service with the baptism of Danielle Hays and Morgan Giles. Pray for these girls as they begin their life walk with the Lord.
Bro. Derrel’s message from 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 was titled “The Change.” If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. A change took place in our Vacation Baible School this year, and also a few Sundays ago when two little girls accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. Old things passed away and all things became new, a new creature in Christ. Thank God for our relationship with Jesus Christ. We are thankful that he took our sins upon himself and hung on the cross that we may be made righteous with God. Now is the day of salvation.
On Sunday evening, the message was “The King Who Forgot the Golden Rule,” from 1 Kings 21:1-29. Ahab asked Naboth saying, “Give me thy vineyard that I may have it for a garden of herbs because it is near my house.” Naboth did the right thing and said, “No, the vineyard was an inheritance from my father.” This displeased Ahab, and Jezebel, his wife, said unto him, “Why is they spirit so sad? Naboth was stoned and is dead.” Ahab rose up to go down to the vineyard in order to possess it, but because Ahab sold himself to evil, the Lord promised to bring evil upon him. Ahab humbled himself before God, so God did not bring the evil in Ahab’s days. The message: Let God fight your battles.
Upcoming events:
Everyone who will, please meet in the prayer room just after Sunday school to pray for the morning worship service.
On Wednesday night, Bro. Derrell will begin a study about the life of Paul. This service starts at 7 p.m.
The Prime-Timers lunch will be held on Thursday, Sept. 26 at 11 a.m. We will have a short devotion from Bro. Nolin Mauldin, then fellowship and enjoy the noon meal.
Young people, remember the youth rally on Sept. 28 at 6 p.m. at Rock Springs Baptist Church.
On Sept. 29, the ladies of the church will be honored with lunch following the morning message.
Please pray for our sick and all of the prayer requests of our church. We ask that you remember us when you pray.
We gathered in the Lord’s name to worship him, and then departed to serve him. See you in church on Sunday.