Church News for Thursday, Sept. 19
Published 10:16 am Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Jackson Chapel
Bro. Gary Fant got the morning worship service started off with “There’s Power in the Blood” and “Victory in Jesus.” Bro. Horace Wyatt blessed us with a beautiful song titled “Sheltered in the Arms of God.”
Mr. Oliver Evans gave his testimony about how God has watched over him since the automobile accident five and a half years ago that almost took his life. When the accident happened, he was told that he would never make it because he was in very serious condition. He has undergone seven surgeries, but serves a mighty God. He is living proof that when man gives up on us, God will never give up on us.
Bro. Dennis’ text came from Romans 14:1-10. We as Christians have to make sure that we live our lives like it is our last because no one knows the day or the hour when the Son of God will come back. It is so good for Christians to attend church, but we need to live our lives every day just like we live on Sunday. Jesus Christ knows if we’re really sincere about our salvation or if we’re just playing church.
One day we will all stand in judgment for every idle word that comes out of our mouth, and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord; therefore, every one who proclaims to be a Christian needs to make sure they are ready to go.
The service ended with several coming to pray.
Bro. Gary Fant got the evening service started off with “At Calvary,” “I’ll Fly Away” and “Revive Us Again.” Several gave testimonies of how God had blessed them and about the good things God does each and every day.
Bro. Dennis’ text came from Romans 14:13. We are to be careful about judging people because we don’t always know what people are going through. Christians are the first to want to judge someone, but the word of God tells us that we are not to judge. We also need to be careful about doing things that may cause our brothers and sisters to stumble because someone is always watching us.
Happy Anniversary to Glen and Gina Riley.
We will be having Revival Sept. 22-24, with “Big Mo” as the guest speaker. Sunday evening’s service will start at 6 p.m. Monday and Tuesday services start at 7 p.m. Everyone is invited.
Bethany Baptist Church
We opened the morning service with the hymn “Savior Like a Shepherd,” led by Lori Knight.
Glenn Vines shared the morning devotional “Anointed to Preach the Gospel” from Isaiah 61:1-3. Isaiah was a prophet who prophesied of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Redeemer. Jesus was anointed by God to preach “The Year of the Lord.” This referred to the day of salvation. Now is the time for people everywhere to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, repent of their sins and put their faith in Jesus. Jesus lived his life doing his father’s will. We should follow his example in pleasing God in our lives.
Following a prayer and Sunday school, we sang “Did You Think to Pray” and “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” The choir special was “When We See Christ.” After singing another hymn, “Face to Face,” prayer requests were given and announcements made. Included was the information about our Homecoming on Sunday, Sept. 29 beginning at 10 a.m. and concluding with dinner in the fellowship hall at noon. We had a prayer and received the morning offering.
Our Pastor, Bro. Aubry Wallace, brought the morning message from John 4: Jesus was going from Jerusalem to Galilee. He took a route which the Jews would never take. He said he must as “needs go through Samaria.” The people of Samaria were a mixed race, Jew and Gentile. The Jews would have nothing to do with the Samaritans. God, in his infinite knowledge and wisdom, knew there would be a woman of Samaria at Jacob’s well who needed to hear the plan of salvation. She was a woman with low morals and did not associate with the other women, the reason for going to the well in the hottest part of the day, rather than earlier or later in the day. Jesus asked for a drink of water, opening the opportunity for him to tell her of the living water of life. When we have that, we will never thirst again.
After being presented the plan of salvation, the woman believed, and having a simple faith, was saved. She had another type of faith: a sincere faith. We cannot change our past, but by believing in Jesus to save our souls, we can change our future. Once we accept Jesus as Savior, “old things have passed away, and behold, all things have become new.”
A third faith was a sharing faith. She ran into the town to tell the people of the town what had happened to her. She was excited about her new future. A shining faith shows the world that she (we) have Christ in our hearts.
Also, there is the saving faith. When the Holy Spirit convicts of sin, we need to listen and obey, confess our sins and be saved by asking Jesus into our hearts.
Sunday night, we opened the services with a hymn, “Amazing Grace.” Bro. John Strader; his wife, Amber; and daughter, Ellanora were visiting with us. Bro. John shared his thoughts on their move to Kenya, Africa to begin sharing the gospel with the many people who are eager to hear the message.
Afterward, he shared scripture with us from Luke 1, followed by a prayer. The passage he shared was of a certain priest, Zacharias, and Elisabeth. They had prayed for a long time for a child, especially a son. They had grown old and still had no child, but they continued to serve God daily. The angel, Gabriel, told Zacharias that he and his wife would have a son. His name would be John, meaning, the graciousness of God. John would prepare the way for Jesus Christ to come and preach the gospel of himself to the people of the world.
John did exactly what he was sent to do: preach the gospel and baptize those who became saved. One day, we will give an account of what we have or have not done for God. Will we hear, “Well done, thy good and faithful servant?”
Those on our prayer list include Bro. Aubry, Shirley, Betty Biggs, Jeanette Jessop, Bro. J.C. Collins, Bro. Steve and Phyllis, Elwyn and Grace Robinson, Billie Neeley, Jackie Neeley, Mary Knight and missionaries and churches carrying the gospel of Christ.