Church News for Thursday, Aug. 29
Published 1:33 pm Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Cedar Grove Church
Special music was provided by Norma Muir, who sang “Didn’t I Walk on the Water.”
Bro. Heath Vine’s text came from Psalm 19:7-11, titled “Do You Believe the Bible is the Word of God?” The word of God is perfect, and keeping the word of God requires us to change our ways, our thoughts, our walk and our talk. The word of God can teach us more than people can. The word of God is alive; it speaks to each of us as Christians through the Holy Spirit. The purpose of the Bible is to teach each of us how to live our lives in obedience to God.
What if you went to the doctor and he gave you bad news saying, “It does not look good for you, but I have a medicine here that, if you take it every day without fail, will make you feel better, get better and be healed.” You would be dedicated to that medicine and take it every day. We must think of the Bible in the same way. The word of God is our medicine, our strength, our hope and the key to being what God would have each of us to be. The Bible is the sword with which to fight against Satan in our everyday battle with him. Do you use the power of God’s word? There is power in the name of Jesus, praise the Lord!
Have a great week. God Bless!
Sunday service starts at 9:45 a.m. and evening service starts at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday service and Friday night prayer meeting both start at 7 p.m. Everyone is invited.
Prayer concerns: Bro. Jeff Carroll, Bro. Heath and family, Eugene Neeley, Peggy Pearson, Josh Hayes and Bro. Billy’s co-worker and family.
Friendship Baptist Church
Our choir special was “ Cornerstone Medley,” with solos by Aliyssa Riley and Ty Moore. Bro. Ken Daniel’s message was from Isaiah 40:1-5 titled “Revival or Survival?” Prepare the way for the Lord.
In the evening service, Bro. J.C. Pierce sang “I believe that God Put Us Together” to his bride of one year, Lucille.
Bro. Ken’s message continued in Ephesians 5:22, 6:1-9: Wives, submit; husbands, love; children, obey your parents; employers and employees, be loyal and committed.
Thank you to our Building and Grounds Committee members, who installed the ceiling fans in our sanctuary. They also keep our lawn looking pretty.
Aug. 30-Sept. 2: Youth beach trip
Sept. 7: Workday at the church
Sept. 8: Homecoming with Bro. Will Thomas and Tommy Wilkes bringing the messages. The Clydes will be singing.
Oct. 21-24: Celebrators trip to Pigeon Forge, Tenn.
The senior adult women are making Christmas presents for our nursing home patients. They would appreciate donations of thread, material, scraps for quilts, lace, seam binding, yarn, towels, scissors, etc.
We are in the process of planning a six-day church trip in March of 2014.
Happy Birthday to Faye Honeycutt, Kristin Oliphant, Tori Griffin and Trent Cleckler.
Happy Anniversary to J.S. and Lucille Pierce.
Prayer requests: Lonnie Burchfield, Roy Kelly, James, Swann, those traveling, Bill Gothard’s family and Kensley Collum.