Church News for Thursday, Aug. 29
Published 1:33 pm Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Samaria Baptist Church
We enjoyed a beautiful day of worship at Samaria. Bro. Charles brought our message, and he seems to be gaining strength each week. We are thankful for his daily improvements.
Special music, “Beyond the Sunset” was sung by Bro. Aubrey Brown.
Bro. Charles’ message came from Acts 2:1-13: The Day of Pentecost was when the Holy Spirit filled the churches. The power of God came upon them and filled their hearts. We can be the Christians that God intends us to be. We first must come to him and receive this Holy Spirit that will serve as a link to all that God has to offer us.
There is no effective witness without the power of God. We cannot just assume that since we belong to the church, we have the power to accomplish anything. As a body without breath is lifeless, a church without the Holy Spirit is dead.
One specific way to express that we are spirit-filled is to be able to share love with one another, even with folks you don’t particularly like. God can make it possible for us to love the unlovable soul. We should bind together as the body of Christ and ask for the love that is needed to be Christ’s example on earth.
God doesn’t ask us to be a spectacle, but he does ask that we be filled with the spirit of a living God so that we have the power to change lives. It’s easy to run each other down because we all have something that is imperfect, but if we share the oneness of God, this will be reduced.
When God melts our hearts with the love and power of his Holy Spirit, our comforter, we don’t see the faults of others as clearly. We are blinded to the wrongs in other people, because we see them differently: we see them through the eyes of God.
Happy Birthday to Diane Fisher, who celebrated a birthday this week.
Sunday night services will resume on Sept. 8. We hope everyone enjoys Labor Day weekend, and we ask you to join us at Samaria for a blessing every week.
Jackson Chapel Church
Bro. Gary Fant got the morning worship service started off with “Love Lifted Me” and “Revive Us Again.” Luke Wilson blessed us with “Jesus Loves Me.”
Bro. Dennis’ text came from 1 Corinthians 13:1-8, with a message titled “Without Love.” We as Christians have got to love one another because a church divided will not stand. Satan will use anything or anybody to try and tear the church apart. We’ve got to guard ourselves and be grounded in the word of God so that when Satan comes against us, we will be able to stand against his wiles.
We also need to be careful about the things we say to people because it will either build them up or tear them down. Once we say something, we can’t take it back. We need to take other’s feelings into consideration because we are to love others as we love ourselves.
The service ended with several coming to pray.
Please remember these as you pray this week: Juanita Wilkins; Gail Fant; Samuel Burnett; Karl Smith; Amy Solis’ dad; Juanita Wyatt; Janice Williams; Melvin Rhodes’ wife, Marie; our service members, our children, as they have returned to school and our lost loved ones.
Upcoming event:
Sept. 22-24: Revival with guest speaker, Bro. Milton O’Strander, better known as “Big Mo.” Everyone is invited.