Church News for Thursday, Aug. 15
Published 1:30 pm Thursday, August 15, 2013
Providence Baptist Church
The Anchormen will be in concert at 6 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 18, at Providence Baptist Church in Clanton, just off Lake Mitchell Road. A love offering will be received. Refreshments will be served following the service. For more information, or for directions to the church, please call the church office at 205-755-4126.
Christ Independent Methodist Church
Dr. Mac Stinson’s sermon for today was titled “Cheering from the Stands,” based on scripture from Hebrews 12:1-2. This exhortation is to faith, patience and godliness.
Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God: Hebrews 12:2
You and I are disturbed from time to time because someone in the public eye today is shown to have feet of clay. Athletes, politicians, Hollywood stars and famous preachers all have been known to fall. This should not surprise us; it has always been true. Go back and read the story of Babe Ruth, legendary baseball player, if you think today’s athletes are weaker than those of previous generations.
People are people, and people are flawed. Anyone whose faith is in people and not in God is horribly misguided. Scripture tells us that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but God does not give up on us, and we should not give up on ourselves. That is determination, the kind of determination you and I need as we run the marathon of life.
When you pray, remember our pastor’s son, Mac Stinson III. Also remember Roy Lauter, Randall Kendrick, Bee Bee’s friends in Georgia, June Simms, Mary Ann Carden, Doris Brasher, Opal Miller, Judy Atkinson, our members who are traveling, our men in the service and their families, our community, church and each other.
Sunday, Aug. 18, is our One Dish Dinner. Join us to enjoy the food and fellowship.
Have a blessed week.
Mount Carmel No. 1
As we gathered in the house of God on Sunday, we were thankful for his grace and the teaching of our Sunday school lessons. Jesus’ death and resurrection is the centerpiece of God’s story.
Our worship service was opened with the singing of “He Lives,” which went along with our lessons. Special music was “Through the Fire,” sung by Lillie Brand and Tammy Jones. Tori Mims blessed our hearts last Sunday by singing “Lord, I Want To Be a Christian” and “I Shall Not Be Moved.”
Our service for the worship hour was one testimony right after another, and we closed with many coming to the altar to pray.
On Sunday evening, Bro. Derrell spoke from Luke 19:40, with a sermon titled “What Would They Say?” What would the stones tell us? I believe they would tell us of Jesus’ sinless life, his love for all, his provision for us and the heavenly home prepared for all Christians. The stones would tell of Jesus’ purpose and mission for coming to this earth and of his forgiveness. Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
Our sympathy and prayers go out to Wanda Winkins and her family in this time of heartache in the death of her brother, Wilbur Ellison. May God comfort you.
At 6 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 17, our church will host “The Youth Rally.” Bro. Chad Foshee will be the guest speaker, along with youth singers and the Mount Bethel Drama Team. You are invited to attend.
The ladies of the church will host a baby shower from 2-4 p.m. on Aug. 18 for Lillie Brand and baby Jeb. It’s a boy!
Remember to pray for the Hatley Nursing Home Mission. On the third Wednesday night of each month, a prayer service is held at Hatley Nursing Home for our shut-ins. This is a blessing to them, as well as those who serve.
We ask you to remember these in your prayers this week: our church, Robert and Minnie Childress, Barbara and Winston Liveoak, Butch Wilson and baby Jacob Jones. May God heal, strengthen and keep this in his care is our prayer.