County addresses leaky roof at tag office
Published 3:41 pm Friday, July 12, 2013
With the recent rainfall, employees at the Chilton County Tag Office have been dodging raindrops from the inside of the building.
Two leaks in the roof of the office that was built in 1969 and was the First Federal Building in town have created issues for the six clerks working inside.
Chief clerk Laura Jones said one spot in the roof leaks continuously with a drop of water falling every 30 seconds and another leak directly above one of the clerk’s terminals that leaks a few days after every heavy rain storm.
“You never know when to be prepared for the water to come,” Jones said. “The terminal with the leak directly overhead has to be protected by a tarp when we leave so the computer and documents don’t get wet.”
The Chilton County Commission unanimously voted during its meeting on July 8 to send out bid sheets to local contractors for repairs to be made on the roof.
County Maintenance Supervisor Pete Davenport said on Friday he got the commission prices from a local contractor who came and checked the roof by measuring it and making a drawing for what repairs might need to be made.
“We wanted to be able to have people bid apples to apples,” Davenport said.
Davenport said the roof has several layers built on top of one another and being a flat roof, and water gets in between the membranes causing the leaks.
“When you have a storm, it isn’t necessarily going to leak but the water gets in between the membranes and that is why you will have the water drip a few days after a big rain,” Davenport said.
In May, the commission voted to replace the current beige carpet behind the clerk stations to neutral colored carpet tiles for roughly $4,000.
Due to the continuous leaks in the roof, the installation for the carpet tiles has been postponed until the roof is fixed.
Currently, the clerks behind the main lobby have workstations that have bits and pieces of gaping holes with exposed concrete due to renovations made in June 2012.
The Chilton County Tag Office decided to relocate to the building from the Chilton County Courthouse in 2005.
Davenport said after county administrator Connie Powell mails out the paperwork on the bid list, a deadline will be given to the contractors, usually a few weeks, and they will give the commission prices for the repairs.
The commission will then decide from the sealed bids which contractor they will select to do the work.