Commission approves repairs at Chilton-Clanton library (updated)
Published 10:10 pm Monday, June 24, 2013
Agee said he would like to see the front access to the courthouse secured further including the scanning machine at the front entrance.
Caton said he thought it would be best to get the camera system in place before moving the scanning machine from the third floor to the main entrance.
Although no vote was taken during the meeting, Caton said the committee would report back to the commission with prices of things found regarding the security issues at the courthouse.
In other news, the commission:
• Presented a contract between the Chilton County Humane Society and commission to board members of the humane society. In March, the commission voted to enter into a contract with the humane society with the advisement from the county’s legal attorney. The contract would ultimately have the commission and humane society work together to take care of the animals for the county. Both the commission and humane society will review the contract and vote on the contract at a future commission meeting.
• Heard from the Chilton County Humane Society regarding their new director Jessica Terry.
• Voted to allow Gene Walker to advertise for a public hearing regarding the closure of part of County Road 217. Walker requested for the commission to maintain a portion of his road so he could have easy access to his property and close the section of 217 that goes through his property. The commission unanimously voted to allow Walker to advertise for a public hearing.
• Voted to allow July 5 to be a holiday for county employees with compensation. County administrator Connie Powell told commissioners several department heads were already allowing their employees a holiday on July 5. Powell told commissioners the state would not announce their plans to close until next week. Everyone except Caton voted in favor to allow July 5 to be a holiday for county employees.
• Convened into executive session at the request of Jackson to discuss a pending legal matter.