Church News for Thursday, June 20
Published 9:34 am Monday, June 24, 2013
Mars Hill Baptist Church
We hope each father enjoyed a special day of blessings with their families. A father is the head of the house, and a mother is the heart of the home. Fathers, love your children and bring them up in the care of the Lord, for children belong to our heavenly Father. They are on loan to us for just a little while. All too soon, they grow up and leave home. Make sure that when they leave, they have a good foundation on which to build a family of their own, with Jesus as the center of their home.
Bro. William Short took the message from Hebrews 1:5-7. God never called the angels his sons; he never said he would be a father to them, but when he brought his son into the world, he said “Let all the angels of God worship him.” To the angels he said, “Who makes his angels spirits and his ministers a flame of fire?” No, we do not worship angels; we worship the one true God, Jesus Christ.
We need real fathers, ones who take part in raising their children, to be the head of the house. Just as God is real, his love for us is real and everlasting. Tell your children in words and actions that you love them. Teach them about Jesus, let them see you read the Bible and let them hear you pray. A real father is a spiritual leader, one who will lead his children to the Lord and takes the time to show them what love should be. Dads, your children need to know where you stand with God so that on Judgment Day your child won’t look at you and ask you why you never told them about Jesus. The time is now, Dad. Tell them now; tomorrow may be too late.
We need faithful fathers, ones who take their family to church, not just drop them off. Play golf on Saturday; go fishing on Saturday, but Sunday is the Lord’s Day. Show respect for the Sabbath; take your loved ones to church and be faithful to the one who is always there for you. God’s love is unconditional, and so our love should be unconditional for our children.
We need saved fathers, ones who love the Lord, teach his word, who are not afraid to tell others and can make a difference in this cold, cruel world we live in today. People are dying every hour without Jesus; it’s time to take a stand. Tell the world how to be saved and how to live a better life. Being a child of God brings joy to the heart, peace of mind and comfort to the soul. Rejoice, for Jesus is Lord!
Finally, if you are saved, act like it. If you are saved, you cannot keep the love of God locked inside your heart; instead, you will want to share it with everyone you meet. What joy there is in heaven when a soul is saved!
Please bring your Care Net baby bottles this Sunday. This is the last day to bring them.
June 26 is our quarterly business meeting.
Bring your teddy bears for the fire department by June 30.
This Sunday, a meeting for our grief support group will be held at 4:30 p.m. for anyone interested in helping with the class.
God is great, all the time. Amen.
Bethany Baptist Church
On this Father’s Day, Bro. Steve brought a message of how fathers should safeguard their families, both physically and spiritually. He used Deuteronomy 22:8, which tells of a father safeguarding his house. Deuteronomy 6:7 and Ephesians 6:4 were used to command fathers to nurture and teach their children. Fathers need to show unconditional love to their children; they should teach their family the Word of God and set a Godly example. A man’s children should learn from their father’s example a devotion to God and respect for authority, integrity and faithfulness.
Sunday night, Bro. Aubry Wallace’s sermon, taken from Genesis 21:33-34, was titled “How to Enjoy the Rest Areas of Life.” There are times in life that are difficult to tolerate, with battles to fight and storms to weather. The trials of life are the tools God uses to shape us in his image and to be a blessing to us in spite of those times when we think life is so bad.
The rest areas in life are as important as the trials that prepare us. We should use the calm times to enhance our relationship with him. Meditate on the great promises of God and feed on them; seek his face day by day, and when the hard trials come, we will be ready.
We should involve ourselves in his worship. The best time to worship him is all the time. We should use the quiet times in our lives to make investments in the Kingdom’s work.
Prayer list: Betty Biggs, the family of James Bixler, Doris and Verdie Glenn, the family of Vesta “Becky” Hart, Bro. Danny Jones, Billie Neeley, Ron Peppers and Grace and Elwyn Robinson.
See you Sunday!