Commission appoints coordinator for recycling program
Published 4:58 pm Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Originally, Davis gave commissioners a $135,000 estimate for the repairs but told commissioners in April he would not know exact totals until the bids for the work were placed.
Part of the money for the repairs will come out of $460,000 the state granted to the county capital improvements fund with the rest of the money coming out of the sheriff’s jail account.
Davis told commissioners on Monday there were not a lot of companies who still worked with the type of mechanical doors currently used at the jail.
“I’m not sure you can find a company that still does doors like that,” Davis said.
Davis also requested $300,000 for 10 new vehicles for the sheriff’s department.
“Our vehicle fleet is depleting rapidly,” Davis said.
Davis told commissioners he would like to purchase the vehicles off the state bid list and replace cars that have more than 150,000 miles on them.
Welch said it was important to update the vehicles due to having a fear that if an officer was in a high-speed chase, they might not be protected.
“If you put an officer in a car that is worn out and they get in a chase, it could create some problems,” Welch said.
Commissioner Heedy Hayes said before he voted to give the money to Davis he wanted to know where the money would come from.
Commission Chairman Allen Caton asked Davis if he would attend a June 18 work session at 6 p.m. to discuss ways to come up with the money to help purchase the vehicles.
Caton updated commissioners about the courthouse security committee formed May 13 to address security issues at the Chilton County Courthouse.