Church News for Thursday, April 18
Published 9:55 am Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Friendship Baptist Church
Our choir special was “A Closer Walk With Thee,” with solo parts by Doris Wyatt and Dusty Dutton.
Bro. Ken’s message, taken from Mark 4:35-41, was titled “Jesus Calms the Storm.”
Jesus and his disciples were in a boat when a big storm came. Jesus was asleep, and the disciples woke him asking, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” Jesus got up, rebuking the wind and the waves, saying, “Quiet! Be still!”
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Moore, who were married on April 13.
April 20: Mother/Daughter/Friend Banquet at 11 a.m.
April 27: Church-wide picnic at Oak mountain. Bring your bicycles and fishing equipment. We will grill our lunch. See Fred for more details.
April 30: Association Senior Celebration at 10 a.m. at Union Grove Baptist Church. Cost is $7. RSVP by April 23
May 4: Youth will bag groceries at Winn-Dixie as a fundraiser for the “Give Kids the World” mission trip.
May 4: Yard sale at the church
May 11: Dusty’s Drive-In movie for the youth
May 25-June1: “Give Kids the World” mission trip
June 1-7: Chilton Baptist Builders mission trip to Merryville, Ind.
June 7-8: Men’s fishing trip to Gulf Shores
Happy Birthday to Shay Dennis, Caleb Wakefield and Sam Wilkerson.
Prayer requests: The Glenda Marcus family, Sandra White, Nicholas and Tiffany Hudgins, Ken Daniel, George, Angela Thomas, Ladean Jones, Mavolean Dobbs and Steve Hanna.
Christ Independent Methodist Church
On this cold and rainy day, arriving at church was indeed like reaching a safe refuge. Knowing the earth needed the rain made it not only bearable, but welcome as well. My thanks goes out to every person who left their warm, comfortable homes to send a couple of hours in God’s house. I am always encouraged when I see people in God’s house on these cold, unpleasant days. It speaks well for our value system.
Dr. Stinson’s title for today’s sermon was “A New Kind of Authority,” with scripture taken from Acts 9:1-6, 7-20.
This scripture deals with the conversion of Saul. The Lord asked Saul why he was persecuting him. Then, the Lord told Saul to go into the city to be told what he must do. He was three days without sight. After the scales were removed from Saul’s eyes, he could see again, and he changed his name to Paul. Not only did he stop killing Christians, he became one himself.
Dr. Stinson ended his sermon thus: “It was in dying to his former self that he became alive to God’s plan for his life, and God used him in a mighty way. Friends, God can use us, too, if we will humble ourselves and believe the Gospel.
When you pray, remember Bebe Sammons, Opal Miller, Lilliana Thompson, Hoyt Headley, Kelly Parker, Dr. Mac Stinson and his family, Mae Hunnicutt and all others known to the Great Physician. Remember our military and their families, our country, state, community, church and each other.
Upcoming activities:
April 16:Women’s coffee and dessert
April 27: Youth Saturday
April 28: One-dish dinner
For the past few Sunday nights, we have studied “The Handwriting on the Wall: Ancient of Days,” led by Laura Lee Adams, who does a masterful job with the presentation.
Thought for the week: He could have called ten thousand angels, but he died alone for you and me.
Have a blessed week.