Church News for Thursday, April 18
Published 9:55 am Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Mount Carmel No. 1 Baptist Church
It is always a blessing to gather with God’s people to worship and praise him.
Our morning service began with several spirit-filled songs sung by the congregation, followed by Holly Smith blessing us with a solo of “How Great Thou Art.”
In Bro. Derrell’s message to the children, he talked to them about the words “I love you.” These are words that people everywhere long to hear, no matter the language in which they are spoken.
“The Need for Patience,” based on Hebrews 10:36, was the title of the morning message. Patience means demonstrating forbearance, tolerance and long suffering. Patience with our fellow man is not always present in our daily lives. Sometimes, we even get over zealous with God. There are times in our lives when we need patience to help us wait on God. Some of these times are in suffering, in sorrow, in success, in setbacks and in service. We need to seek God’s purpose and the message he has for us in the good, as well as the trying, times of life. When we can’t understand the why of a situation, just remember that God knows, and he is with us. Have patience—the answer is on the way.
Sunday evening’s service was opened with the congregation singing “I Want To Be Ready” and “I’ll Be Somewhere Listening.” Charity Lockhart and the youth choir presented special music.
Bro. Derrell brought the message “The R-O-A-D to Emmaus,” from Luke 14:13-27. He used each letter in the word “road” to give us some points on how to restore our way when we get lost on the road of life: “R” is to remind us to be sure we are going in the right direction. If you are going away from God, you are going the wrong way. The “O” is for the obstructions that hinder our journey. They keep us from having a clear view of the road ahead. Removing them can help us grow in our relationship with Jesus. Looking at the “A,” it stands for the account of our life that will be left behind us. Will our walk leave the road in good shape for those who follow, or will it be one that will cause shame for our Lord? The “D” stands for the detours that must be taken from the way we think should be traveled. The way we think we should go is sometimes blocked by God’s detour in order to keep us from falling into the traps and troubles that are ahead of us in the direction we have chosen.
Jessica Dennis thanked everyone who participated in the “That Dude Looks Like a Lady” event last Saturday. It was a fun time and raised money for Relay for Life.
This Saturday, April 20, beginning at 7:30 a.m., there will be a pancake breakfast in the fellowship hall. This is also to raise money for Relay for Life. Plates of pancakes and sausages will be available for $3. Please make plans to be a part of this event. It will end around 10:30 a.m.
It was reported that Jacob Jones got home from the hospital on Sunday. We praise God for being with him and his family. Please continue to pray for God’s to bless Jacob, Justin and Erica each day. Others in our church who need a special touch from God are Sarah Scott, Elladene Mims, Robert Childress, Minnie Childress, Leona Liveoak, and Ruthie Jean Giles.
Bethany Baptist Church
Mark 8:34-38 was the text for Bro. Steve’s sermon on Sunday morning: “What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” What profit is there in having tremendous riches, all wisdom and popularity? Money can’t save; only Jesus Christ can. A person without Christ is without the most important thing. Losing your soul is an eternal loss. What a person should not do is exchange eternal things for the temporal.
Sunday evening, Bro. Steve’s sermon, after our monthly business meeting, was taken from 2 Timothy 2:19: “The foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal: The Lord knoweth them that are his.” No matter how bad the world gets, we can take comfort in the fact that our foundation is firm. God does not change, and his word does not change. God knows those who are his. We should attempt to be obedient to God, live godly lives and have an increased desire to draw closer to him.
Prayer list: Betty Biggs, James Bixler, the Donald Gay family, Doris and Verdie Glenn, Billie Neeley, Ron and Melissa Peppers, Travis Swift, Madison Varden, Kurt Wallace, Douglas Wilson, and Glenda Wallace.
See you Sunday!