Church News for Thursday, March 21
Published 7:50 am Thursday, March 21, 2013
Bethsalem Baptist Church
Bro. Cleve Mallory opened our day of worship with ministry opportunities and welcoming everyone. “So High the Price” was the Celebration Choir’s special song.
Dr. B.R. Johnson presented a message from Luke 19:1-9 about Zacchaeus, who needed to see Jesus. Jesus knows you, he wants you and he will save you.
In the evening service, Dr. Johnson preached from Luke 5:17-18. His sermon was about the paralytic man who was healed.
Wednesday service at 6:30 p.m., prayer meeting for adults, Team Kids for children and The Outlet for students.
Next Sunday: Life Tracks at 5 p.m.
Palm Sunday: Living Last Supper
March 30: Easter egg hunt
March 31: Annie Armstrong Easter Offering: Let’s reach our goal.
Happy Birthday this week to Jenny Summerlin, Dyaln Chavers, McKenzie Cleckle, Oakley Yeargan, Jeff Mims, Alliee Stange, Julia Chison, David Hand, Ron Thomas and Mary Cullum.
Please pray for Hunter Moore, Charles Bryant, Sid Garner, Elaine Hayes, Randall Moore, Stevie Wingard, Marie and Ralph Smith, Rhonda Edwards, Kay Ray, Regina Bush, David Conway, Brynda Hill, the Crawford family, Jacob Rawlinson’s family, Elridge Townsend, Libby Ousley, Ellen and Brent Wright, Carlyon Duke, J.T. Glasscock, Chase Cobern, Steve McGowan, Joe Sexton, Victoria Beasley, Clyde Hughes, the Chancellor family, Lilliana Thompson, our pastor search committee, Judy Youngblood, Randy Bryant, Bobbie Cox and Edward Moore.
Come worship with us on Sundays.
Mountain Springs Church
Services started on Sunday with Bro. Kenneth Moates leading the church in the following hymns: “Just A Little Talk with Jesus,” “Living by Faith,” “Be Ready to Go” and “Keep on the Firing Line.”
Bro. Roger Cleckler gave a devotion from Jonah 1:1-3: If we neglect to tell the truth, we are turning from the presence of God. If we flee from the presence of God, there is a price to be paid.
After Sunday school Bro. Kenneth Moates led the church in the hymn “When We All Get To Heaven” and Bro. Roger Cleckler sang “Just Any Day Now.”
Bro. Tim Scott and his family were with us this Sunday. Bro. Tim preached from Malachi 3:6: God promised us forgiveness, the necessities of life and help in times of trouble. We should be glad we have someone to lean on in times of trouble.
Sunday night’s service began with Bro. Ricky Cleckler leading the church in the hymns “I Love My Savior, Too,” “I’ll Be Satisfied,” “I’ll Be Listening” and “Where the Soul Never Dies.”
Bro. Wayne Barnett gave a devotion and listed several verses he had marked and had gone over in the morning service. We need to hold on and always stay true through the word. The Lord wants us to be consistent in our walk with him.
Bro. Tim’s wife, Mrs. Debbie Scott, sang “Let’s Meet by the River” and blessed the church with a wonderful song.
Bro. Tim preached from Mark 4:30-32: The Holy Ghost is going to be in everything we do, and without him, we will not have sound doctrine. When you take your eyes off Jesus, you will begin to sink. Is your heart in one accord, and are you walking in steadfast doctrine?
Don’t forget our services are Sundays at 9:45 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. and Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Hope to see you there!