Church News for Thursday, March 21
Published 7:50 am Thursday, March 21, 2013
Mars Hill Baptist Church
Sometimes, I wonder what it would have been like to live in Jesus’ time, to walk with him, live with him, hear him teaching and see his miracles. I wonder if I would have been any better than the disciples in walking with the Lord. The Bible tells us that Judas betrayed our Lord for 30 pieces of silver, and Peter denied him—not once, but three times before the rooster crowed. Would I have done that? Would you have?
Our message was taken from Matthew 26:69-75. These passages take us past the time of Judas’ betrayal and Jesus’ arrest. Jesus had already told Peter that he would deny him three times before the rooster crowed, and Peter, of course, said, “Not me, Lord, you can count on me.” Have we ever told the Lord this exact same thing? Not me, I won’t deny you, I will be a servant and never falter in your ways, yet we always do. We deny him when we talk to neighbors, family and friends, but fail to tell them about what Jesus has done for us. We deny him when we don’t attend church or bring up our children in the ways of the Lord. We deny him when we don’t take care of the elderly in our community and churches, and we deny him when we don’t respond to his call in our lives. How do you deny him?
After Peter had denied knowing Jesus the third time, the rooster crowed. Peter remembered what Jesus had said to him, so he went out and wept bitterly. Do you remember when Jesus called to you? Did you answer his call, or did you deny him? If you were called and responded to that call, you are on your way to heaven, friend. If you didn’t answer his call, what kind of excuses did you give God about why you could not do what he wanted? Are you waiting until you are good enough? That will never happen. God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called. Moses stuttered, David was a murderer, Thomas was a doubter, Peter denied him and Paul persecuted the followers of Jesus, yet they were all great men of God. What kind of excuse can you have that would keep you from answering God’s call? He uses imperfect people to support and grow his family. He uses people who want to work for him and worship him with a willing heart and busy hands. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a waiting list of teachers for Sunday School instead of having to beg people? If we surrender our lives totally to him, we will be open to whatever job he has for us. Has he called you? Don’t wait; don’t deny him because tomorrow may be to late.
If Peter, who lived and worked daily with Jesus, denied him, how can we do any better? By listening for his call with open minds, hearts and souls. We are not perfect, but when Jesus died on the Cross of Calvary and rose again on the third day, he provided a way for us to receive forgiveness from our sins. Just hit your knees in prayer, repent and answer the call of Christ. God is great, all the time. Amen
Upcoming events: On March 30, from 10 a.m. until noon, we will have an Easter egg hunt with games for the children. Hot dogs provided; please bring chips and drinks. Our Easter service will begin with Sonrise service at 6 a.m., followed by breakfast at 7 a.m., Sunday School at 8 a.m. and worship service at 9 a.m. Please join us for this service. Our fellowship supper is every fourth Wednesday at 7 p.m. We will be taking donations for the Relay for Life event coming up on April 26. Our theme this year is “Hunting For a Cure.” We have many in our church family who are survivors of cancer, so please come out and support them.
Please pray for our church, our pastor and his wife, our sick, the lost, the hurting, our troops, our government and our schools. God is still adding to our church daily, and we praise his name! Amen.
Center Hill Baptist Church
Wanted: Happy and unhappy sinners—sinners who are searching for something more in their lives. Why are you wanted at Center Hill Church?
First of all, we are all sinners at Center Hill Church. We like to think there are many kinds of sinners, but in reality, there are two kinds of sinners: those saved by grace, and those who have not yet realized they need the Lord. You are in one of the categories, so you will be at home at our church simply because of being a sinful person. Second, if you do not know the Lord, the plan of salvation will be presented to you at our church.
God loves all of us, and he takes the initiative in offering the gift of his son. However, the response to that invitation can only be made by you. The third reason you are wanted here is that you need to be a part of the revival we are anticipating.
We had such a blessed day today, and we want all to experience the gift of the Holy Spirit that was felt today. Our choir special, “He Knows My Name,” was outstanding. Some might have recognized the soloist as our pastor, Jeff Champion. We also had a very touching time of prayer, not lead by Tracy Cobb, but for “Big T.” Tracy is facing health issues, but he assures us that God is in control.
As usual, our youth are busy trying to raise money for their next youth trip this summer. Orders are being taken this week for doughnuts. They will have a huge yard sale on Friday and Saturday, April 5-6.
As all Christian churches, we are looking forward to Easter Sunday. We will have Sunrise service that morning, with breakfast being served by our men. We will have regular morning services, but no evening services.
Our youth ended the day on a high note: we had a silent youth drama followed by a moving testimony by one of our youth.
You are wanted at Center Hill. Come be a part of our family.