Church News for Thursday, March 14
Published 10:25 am Thursday, March 14, 2013
Samaria Baptist Church
Jeannie Mims blessed our congregation today with her special song “The Judgment.” Our pastor, Bro. Charles, took his message from 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11: The time and seasons in which live are times of apostasy. Many have no desire to participate in the things of God. Fellowship with Christian brethren should be joyous, and for those who love Jesus, it is. Unfortunately, people are falling away from the things of God.
We miss the mark when we allow foul language in our homes through television. These things are not harmless. Even if we do not become interested in these programs, if we allow the filthy language to infiltrate our homes, it can be damning to our soul’s growth in Christ. We live in a time when Christianity is mocked and degraded by those who represent the world. Satan realizes his time is short, and he is working overtime to destroy every Christian life he can. He has plenty of demons at his disposal who provide temptation to draw Christian’s attention from God. We have a main purpose on this earth as believers: we are to honor God in everything we say and do. We are to be that shining light to those embedded in a dark and dying world.
If you are asked to take a job in the house of the Lord, you should not seek to make excuses. With God’s help, there may be no limit to the lives you can touch by being obedient to him.
Churches have a responsibility to bring the lost to Christ. We do this by showing Christ in our own lives. When our church people drop off the church roll, we should not just write them off. We should call or visit, and encourage them to return to worship with us in God’s house.
Hell is a real place where lost souls will spend eternity. There is no hope in hell. Our hope is in the Lord, Jesus Christ. He is the key to heaven, and through him, we will miss a devil’s hell. It costs us nothing to accept eternal life, but it cost God his only son, who died on a cross so that we could see heaven.
We know that our God condemns unfaithful marriage partners. We also know that he is the only key to repairing a broken or damaged marriage, where children suffer more than anyone else. We are warned in God’s word about riotous living (living like the world and the heathen.) God instituted marriage between one man and one woman. He does not approve of homosexuality or same sex marriages. Our government has abandoned the teaching on which our nation was founded. The evil one now has powerful influence over mankind and the things that are accepted. We have no freedom to kill unborn children, or to terminate the life of an elderly person just because they are no longer beneficial. Child pornography is rampant, and many times from the very people who are entrusted with keeping our children safe.
We need to renew our faith and belief in Jesus, as well as our study habits, that we may empower our minds with God’s word.
Next Sunday, Bro. Mike Lawrence will be with us to baptize his granddaughter, Lindsey Popwell, and to bring the morning message.
Let us remember our soldiers, our police officers and firefighters, and those who govern our land. May their eyes be opened for our greater good. Special prayer request today is for Ray and Phyllis Hardee.
God bless you this week. Please join us for worship at Samaria, and if you need a church home, give us a try.