Church News for Thursday, Feb. 21
Published 7:34 pm Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Bethany Baptist Church
We, especially the ladies, enjoyed the Valentine banquet at the church on Saturday night. The men cooked the delicious food, waited the tables and handled the cleanup.
On Sunday morning, before the sermon, a ladies quartet sang “How Beautiful Heaven Must Be.”
Bro. Steve continued preaching from the Old Testament books with a message taken from Zechariah 12:10, which he called “The Pierced Savior.”
The book of Zechariah contains some of the greatest prophecies in the Bible: Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, his crucifixion, and the future time when Christ will return to the Mount of Olives (from which he ascended into heaven.) Verse 10 concerns the repentance of the Jewish remnant when they will look upon the one whom they pierced.
Psalm 22, Matthew 27 and John 19 are other scriptures about how Jesus was humiliated, suffered and shed his blood on our behalf. How can we spurn his love, mercy and great salvation?
On Sunday evening, Bro. Steve continued the study on scriptural music, which he titled “New Testament Music.”
Prayer list: Betty Biggs, James Bixler, Ada Church, Arnold DeLoach, Doris and Verdie Glenn, Hubert Griffin, Mildred Griffin, Laverne and Dick Hayes, Robert Hayes, Vicki Mims, Billie Neeley, Lillianna Thompson and the Chancellor family.
See you Sunday!
Bethsalem Baptist Church
Baptism for Kendal Roper by Bro. Cleve Mallory
Ministry opportunities and welcome by Roy Martin
Call to Worship music by the congregation: “Blessed Be the Name of the Lord”
Children’s message” Doing Good Through Basketball: A Passion for Lost People”
Special music by the Celebration Choir: “Word of God, Speak”
Message by Bro. Phil from 2 Kings 2:1-6: “How Do You Reconnect With God: Admit, Identify, Believe, Obedience”
Evening message from Romans 5:19-21 and Ezekiel 11:19: “Forgiveness: A Spiritual Heart Transplant”
Wednesday family supper: 5:30 p.m
Prayer meeting: 6:30 p.m., Childrens Choir and The Outlet for Students
Pray list: Copeland Spires, Norma Willis, Lilliana Thompson, Hunter Moore, the Crawford family, Elridge Townsend, Ellen Seals, Brent Wright, Harold Pierce, Carolyn Duke, Vickie Mims, Arnold Deloach, Sid Griner, Stacy Cooper, Wilma Kelley, Chad Nix, J.T. Glasscock, Frankie Smith, Chad Nix, Charles Bryant ,our church committee in their search for a pastor, our homebound, those in nursing homes, those facing caner, and all who have lost loved ones.
Happy Birthday to Shirley Wesson, Cody Stange, Reese Sims, Janet Hand, Joel Gray, Vicki Wilson, Katye Beavers, Perry Benjamin, Carleigh Mims, Breanna Britton, Patty Staggs, Jeff Pack, John Allen Britton, Bruce Bevers, Tammy Jones, Brandon Wells, Tracy Hand, Isabell Baker and Seth Wendell.