Additional funding for shelter denied by commission
Published 6:49 pm Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Dunlevy said she didn’t understand why a project would be started and not finished with a “mess” being made around her property for her to clean up.
“I would like my fence to be put back up,” Dunlevy said. “I can’t spend $10,000 to $20,000 to replace something that you guys tore down. You guys made a mess and I am upset.”
Dunlevy said the work that had been done on the dirt road had created a mud hole and it was difficult for traffic to travel along the road when it rained.
“You guys created a mud hole and made a mess out of everything,” Dunlevy said.
Kathleen Rastad also lives on County Road 46 and echoed Dunlevy’s concerns by telling commissioners it was difficult to drive on the solid clay road.
“I don’t know how a fire engine would be able to get up a road like that,” Rassett said. “I have watched school buses try to drive up the road and they can’t make it up and they are carrying children with them.”
Caton said he would take a look at the road along with commissioner Hayes, who lives near the area, and county engineer Tony Wearren.
Caton told commissioners he had taken time to compile statistics focusing on the amount of projects Wearren had completed during his time as county engineer.
Caton said since Wearren was appointed as engineer in October 2007, he has accomplished numerous road projects and has done a good job with managing funds allotted to him.
“With all that Wearren has done I thought it would be important to bring it out for everyone to be aware of,” Caton said. “He has done an excellent job.”
Commissioner Headley said an extension would be needed to have a workable logging ordinance passed.
Members from the commission along with three loggers in the county formed a logging committee to discuss an ordinance to be passed during the March 11 meeting.
Headley said everything for the ordinance was being worked on, but more time was needed and everything should be ready by the April 8 commission meeting.
Commissioners unanimously voted to extend the deadline for the logging ordinance bill until the April 8 meeting.
Jackson requested an executive session focusing on a pending legal matter.
In other business, the commission:
•Reduced the speed limit in front of Shiloh United Methodist Church from 45 mph to 25 mph.
•Approved one key card to the volunteer Veteran’s Affairs office.
•Appointed Rusty Merrill for reappointment to the Chilton County Water Authority.