Church News for Thursday, Jan. 24
Published 10:13 am Friday, January 25, 2013
Friendship Baptist Church
Sunday’s choir special was “The Family of God” with a solo part by Bro. J.C. Pierce. In Bro. Ken Daniel’s message from Luke 9:41-44 titled “Why the Tears,” he said that we will be betrayed into the hands of men. We must invest in God’s presence in our lives. We fail without God. We must recognize that God is here and he will bless us.
In the evening service, we started our January/February Bible study, “The Greatest Week in History: Luke’s Account of the Passion Week.”
Upcoming events:
Jan. 25: Youth scavenger hunt
Feb. 9: 1950’s themed Valentine’s banquet. Come dressed for the occasion. The youth will serve and donations will be accepted for their mission trip to Give Kids the World.
Feb. 27: Mission trip to Guatemala
March 2: Renew one-day event for women of all ages. Heritage, Montgomery 9 a.m.-3:15 p.m. $35 per person. Lunch included. Deadline to register is Feb. 10. See Anita Glover or visit
March 10: Daylight Savings Time begins
March 21: State Baptist senior adult singing in Eastmont, Montgomery.
March 31: Easter
April 20: Mother/daughter/friend banquet at 11 a.m. Theme is “Seasons.”
Happy Birthday to Don Jones, Michelle Riley, Alyssa Riley, Lauren Conradi and Pam Jones.
Prayer requests: Paul, Buford travelers, Samantha Tingle, the Wilma Bear family, Don Jones, Robin Parker, Tylar Lansford’s family, Cody Jones’ family, Randy Willis’ family, Bill Smith’s family, Malory Anderson, Keith Funderburk, Vikki Davis, Terry Davis, Pam Jones, Juanita Staggs and Janice Wyatt.