Church News for Thursday, Jan. 24
Published 10:13 am Friday, January 25, 2013
Bethsalem Baptist Church
Roy Martin opened our day of worship by welcoming everyone and giving ministry opportunities. Mrs. Sharion Williams directed our music. The Call to Worship music by the congregation was “Great is Thy Faithfulness.” Care Net Mission Moments were given by Susan Scott, director. The Celebration Choir sang “Come To Jesus.” Our message was by Bro. Phil from 2 Kings 6:24.
For the evening message, Bro. Phil preached from 2 Kings 7:1-20.
Wednesday family supper at 5:30 p.m. Adult prayer meeting at 6:30 p.m., children’s choir and The Outlet for students.
Pray For Lilliana Thompson, Hunter Moore, Crawford Family, Elridge Townsend, Ellen Seals, Stacy Cooper, Brent Wright, Mack and Donna Tillery, Harold Pierce, Wesley Lamont, J.T. Glasscock, Frankie Smith, Brian Neal, Chad Nix, Gerald Stamps, Greyson Wilmont, Charles and Gladys Bryant, our church committee in their search for a new pastor, our homebound, those in nursing homes, all who are facing cancer and those who have lost loved ones.
Happy Birthday this week to Cody Barber, Addison Polk, Ray Moore, Sandra Eggers, Derrick Price, George Edwards, Donald and Ronald Spigener, Jill Mitchell, Kristy Gilmore, Hazel Boswell, Randy Thompson, Michael Stanley, Alexlah Benjamin, Janet Willis, Risa Brasher, Sophia Chandler, Sabrine Powell, Terri Williams, Jordan Tindol and Richie Smith.
We are proud of our youth, Bro. Cleve, and our ministry of students and music.
Come and worship with us on Sunday. May God bless you.
Christ Independent Methodist Church
On this perfect Sabbath day, it was great to go to the house of the Lord and give thanks for our many blessings. There is no better way to begin a new week than with an inspiring Sunday school lesson taught by June Simms, followed by a thought-provoking sermon by Dr. Mac. Stinson. His sermon title was “The Divine Bridegroom,” using Isaiah 62:1-5 and John 2:1-11 as his scripture reference. Isaiah uses the example of a husband’s love for his wife to illustrate how God loves his children. Throughout the Bible, God’s love for his people is compared to a bridegroom’s love for his bride.
In the Hosea 2:19, we read, “I will betroth you to me forever…” Hosea’s wife was unfaithful to him, still Hosea was committed to her just as God is committed to his people. In many of the parables taught by Jesus, he uses the imagery of a bridegroom’s love for his wife. Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding where he turned water into wine. We are the beloved of Jesus. If we remain faithful to him, one day we will join him at the wedding feast. He was saying that God’s love for us is like a man’s love for his unfaithful wife.
Paul uses this imagery in advising couples about their own marriage in Ephesians 5:25-33. As we continue to read all the way to the Book of Revelation, we get a wonderful picture of the relationship between God and those for whom Christ died.
Sometimes, hope is the greatest need we have. That was true of the people of Israel while they were slaves in Babylonia. Jerusalem had been torn down and the temple had been destroyed. If ever there comes a time when you are about to give up or give in, listen for the voice of God saying, “You are my beloved. My love for you will never fail.”
Continue to pray for our country, our men and women in service, our church, community and each other.
The ladies A.T.M. refresher is coming up at the beginning of March. The theme is “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus.” We encourage all of our ladies to attend this time of praise, worship and fellowship if possible.
World Gospel Mission missionaries to Honduras, Mike and Sharon Garrett, will be sharing with us in our morning service on Feb. 10.
Our Valentine dinner and fellowship will begin at 5 p.m. on Feb. 10. Make plans to spend the day with us.
Happy Birthday to Michelle Guard Lutza on Jan. 12.
My thanks to each of you for your cards, calls, visits and various acts of kindness during this troubled period following the death of my husband, Jasper Carl Glass. Remember me when you pray. Have a blessed week.