Church News for Thursday, Jan. 17

Published 9:32 am Thursday, January 17, 2013

Bethsalem Baptist Church

Bro. Cleve Mallory opened our day of worship by welcoming everyone and giving ministry opportunities. The Call to Worship music was “I Stand Amazed in the Presence.” Praise songs: “There Is None Like You,” “You Are My All,” “In Christ Alone” and “The Solid Rock.” The Celebration Choir sang “Cross of Love.”

Our message was by Bro. Phil and came from Isaiah 1:18: “Come Down, Come Forth, Come Up, Be Justified.”

We observed the Lord’s Supper. It was a great service.

In the evening service, Bro. Phil preached from Ephesians 4:20-27 about giving place to the devil. Strive to be more like Jesus.

Wednesday family supper at 5:30 p.m., adult prayer meeting at 6:30 p.m., children’s choir and The Outlet for students.

Pray For Lilliana Thompson, Hunter Moore, the Crawford family, Elridge Townsend, Juana Wright, Ellen Seals, Stacy Cooper, Brent Wright, Mack and Donna Tillery, Harold Pierce, Wesley Lamont, J.T. Glasscock, Frankie Smith, Tanner Horton’s father, Brian Neal, Chad Nix, Gerald Stamps, Greyson Wilmont, Jack Honnacker, Libby Ousley, Erica Smith, Charles and Gladys Bryant, our church committee as they search for a new pastor, our homebound, those in nursing homes and all who are facing cancer. Remember those who lost loved ones, the family of Diane Latham, the family of Randy Wells and the family of Homer Robinson.

Happy Birthday this week to Dylan Carroll, Sarah Griner, Scott Wesson, Josh Taylor, Cullen McConnell, Emma Merrill, Deb Taylor, Kimberly Brogden, Donna Johnson, Anna Thompson, Allen Williams, Joyce Leonard, Hillary Horton, Joanha Cobb, Brad Stange, Nate Jones, Jonathan Chandler, Cody Barber, Addison Polk and Ray Moore.

Come and worship with us on Sunday. May God bless.

Samaria Baptist Church

Our special music was sung by Floyd Collins. He sang “The Next Time He Comes,” and did a wonderful job. Our prayer concerns today continue to be with Terry Sparks’ family in his passing, the James Moates family, Lashelle Harris, as she has surgery this week, Glenn Baker, recovering from bypass surgery, Ray Hardee and Lois and Bob Schultz. We are so happy to have Lucille Johnson back after her bout with the flu. Let us remember Ashley Shearon as she begins her education endeavor at the University of South Alabama in Mobile.

Christian revelation owes nothing to human wisdom. Bro. Charles text came from 1 Corinthians 2:1-16. The Apostle Paul never thought of himself as being intelligent, even though he was very smart. He gave God all the glory for the progress he made in his work for the advancement of Jesus Christ. Paul spoke in the name of Jesus Christ and emphasized that we can change our minds about things, but only Christ can change our hearts. Salvation is a gift from God. Nothing we can do, other than surrender to him, will result in our souls being saved.

Our national and government leaders believe that they have the answers through legislation and fighting on Capitol Hill, but until they are open to the leadership of an almighty God, they will lead our nation in the wrong direction. Let us pray for our government leaders today, as we know that this is the only way to bring our nation back to God. May you have a wonderful week, and please know that you are always welcome here at Samaria.

Bethany Baptist Church

The book of Micah was the source of Bro. Steve’s messages on Sunday. Micah was a prophet during the time of Isaiah and King Hezekiah. The word of God is constantly rejected today, and it was no different in the days of Micah. Micah described the condition of the whole nation as being covetous and not willing to hear the true word of God. He also accused the leaders and the prophets of loving evil and causing spiritual darkness. Micah promises judgment, but he also promises hope.

The Prince of Peace, Jesus, will come and set up his millennium kingdom on this earth. This will be a wonderful time of peace on the earth. People will walk in the name of the Lord and there will be no war at all.

On Sunday night, Bro. Steve continued in the book of Micah. In chapter 6, Micah issued a challenge to the people: “What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” We should do what is right, not hurt people’s person, character or property. When we love mercy, we will show kindness and benevolence to others. When we walk humbly with our God, we strive to live in constant fellowship with him and acknowledge our dependence on him.

Prayer list: Betty Biggs, James Bixler, Ada Church, Doris and Verdie Glenn, Hubert Griffin, Mildred Griffin, Laverne and Dick Hayes, Journey Mission in Calera, Billie Neeley and Lillianna Thompson.

See you Sunday!

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