Church News for Thursday, Jan. 17
Published 9:32 am Thursday, January 17, 2013
Christ Independent Methodist Church
On this Sabbath day that is unusually mild for January, the warm weather reminded us that a nice, warm day in mid-winter is a gift from our Lord. Also, a new beginning for a new year that is just beginning. As we put away the beautiful symbols of the holiday just past, let us hold in our hearts the memories of their significance in our daily lives.
Dr. Mac Stinson’s sermon title was “The Baptism of Jesus,” based on scripture from Luke 3:15-17,21-22. This scripture deals with Jesus being baptized in the River Jordan by his cousin, John the Baptist. The baptism is not the most important event that occurred that day. The Bible tells us that as Jesus prayed after his baptism, the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form, like a dove, and a voice from heaven sounded saying, “You are my son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”
Imagine the surprise of the contemporaries of this carpenter from Nazareth when they observed his baptism. This was the second event in which a dove was used to bring the pleasure of God as a sign for his people following the receding of The Great Flood, when a dove brought an olive branch to Noah.
Baptism is not just a formality. It should represent that people who have been baptized ought to live differently from those who have not been baptized. My pastor, Dr. Stinson, puts it this way: “They ought to be kinder, they should seek justice and be more forgiving and tolerant.”
“From the beginning, Jesus gave every indication that he was a different kind of Messiah. He came not as a conqueror, but as a peacemaker; not as a master, but as a servant; not as a judge, but as a savior. The symbol of Christ is not that of an eagle or a hawk, but as a dove.”
Dr. Stinson said, “Jesus entered the Jordan River to be baptized by John not because he needed it, but because we need it. Baptism is a sign of God’s grace. He was plunged into the water. Friends, let’s follow!”
Simply stated baptism is a rite of passage to a new life.
As one attempting to serve my church by writing a weekly news column, I request your prayers following the death of my husband, Jasper Carl Glass, who was called to his heavenly home on Dec. 29, 2012. We were married for 64 years. Remember me when you pray. Know that I appreciate your many words and deeds of kindness during these days of personal sorrow.
Thank you for worshipping with us this past Sunday. If you are visiting with us, we invite you to come back and worship again with us soon.
Remember to pray for our country, our military men and women, our community, our church and each other.
Ladies, A.T.M. Refresher is coming up the beginning of March. The theme is “Tell Me the Story of Jesus.” We encourage all our ladies to plan to attend this time of praise, worship and fellowship.
Have a blessed week.
Mount Carmel No. 1
It was wonderful to be in the house of the Lord once again. Our cup needs to be refilled on a regular basis. We are a loving and caring church striving to better serve our God and our community, so come and worship with us.
A fine group of our children gathered money on Sunday for the penny march. We enjoyed the music of “Jesus Loves Me,” played by Libby Warren. We love to see our young people taking part in our church services.
Our morning message was taken from Haggai 1:2-4,13, titled “Priorities, Priorities, Priorities.”
The people made excuses to Haggai. Just as today, there so many other things to take care of, but nothing is more important than proclaiming the gospel by which Christ built his church. The Lord said, “Consider your ways, bring wood and build the house; and I will take pleasure in it and I will be glorified.” Is this not warning us today to consider our ways and ask, “Where are our priorities?”
Sunday night’s message was “What God Does, He Does It Right,” taken from Luke 19:1-8.
The children’s songs says:
Zacchaeus was a wee little man
And a wee little man was he
He climbed up in a sycamore tree
For the Lord he wanted to see
And as the Savior passed that way
He looked up in that tree
And He said, “Zacchaeus, you come down!
For I’m going to your house today”
Does Jesus abide in your house today? When God started moving, the people murmured, but thank God, Jesus still visits the homes and hearts of sinners.
Once again, our hearts are made sad as we extend our sympathy to two fine young men of our congregation, Ian and Evan Baird, in the loss of their mother, Beverly Baird. Remember to pray for this family.
Bro. Cecil Franklin is home from the hospital and doing well. He and Gladys need our prayers daily. Please remember them.
Our prayer concerns continue to focus on our special requests. Today, we ask prayer for Dorothy Bowman and Leona Liveoak. They will be having tests on Monday of this week.
We have a lot sick and shut-ins who need our prayers, phone calls or visits. We praise the Lord for what he is doing in the lives of some of the sick, and for answering our prayers.
Come and worship with us this Sunday. May God bless you.