Church News for Thursday, Dec. 6
Published 9:41 am Thursday, December 6, 2012
Bethany Baptist Church
Bro. Steve brought the morning message from the Book of Obadiah, one of the shortest books in the Bible. His message, “The Vision of Obadiah,” concerned the coming judgment of Edom (Esau) because of their violence and sins against God’s people. There are several things we can learn from this book: We should not lift our heads in pride, we should not rejoice when others suffer, we should love our brother, and we should trust in the true and living God.
Sunday night, Bro. Steve taught a lesson called “God is Working in Me,” based on Galatians 2:20. The apostle Paul said, “I am crucified with Christ, who lives in me.” Bro. Steve used various other scriptures to teach that the Word of God should be applied to our lives: It is God’s purpose to receive glory from our lives: Ephesians 1:11-12, it is God’s power working in us: Ephesians 3:20, and God is pleased when he is able to accomplish his will through us: Philippians 2:13. We should allow God to be the authority in our lives, not ourselves.
Prayer list: Betty Biggs, James Bixler, Doris and Verdie Glenn, Paul Gray, Hubert Griffin, Mildred Griffin, Ernestine Hatch, Laverne and Dick Hayes, Journey Mission in Calera, Ethel Kelly, Billie Neeley and Skipper Wallace.
See you Sunday!
Samaria Baptist Church
Happy birthday to Salena Stoneback on this first Sunday of December.
We enjoyed a wonderful worship service in God’s house Sunday morning. Prayers abound for Bro. Floyd Collins, John and Angie Bankston, Ray Hardee, Patty Brooks, and all the families who have lost loved ones in our area.
Bro. Charles was back with us today, after being sick last week. His text for “Safety in the Storm” came from Acts 27:9-13. As long as we are in God’s hands, we will always be safe in any storm of life. We may experience hardship, illness, grief and all matter of trouble, but his hands will always hold us through his Holy Spirit.
The men who were determined to sail did not adhere to Paul’s advice. He had a message from God that it was not time to sail. The storm was approaching and they would not be able to sustain the heavy winds and waves. Did they listen? No, they couldn’t bear to stay in Crete because the haven wasn’t comfortable enough.
So often, we get bull-headed and do not follow the urging of the Holy Spirit as it steers our life’s decisions in a safe pathway. We think we can do all things, and with faith, we can accomplish a lot. However, when God is leading us in another direction, we must be obedient, or suffer the strife that comes when we stray.
Paul belonged to God the Father, and he was dedicated to giving praise and obedience to him.
Life is fleeting. We are here only for a while, then life vanishes. Lost people are wandering through life. Christians are responsible for witnessing and urging the lost to come to Christ before it is eternally too late. The time will come that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess the Lord God Almighty.
Those who boast of their non-belief, and who scoff at the things of God and the churches of God, will learn the truth, but then, it may then be too late. We should give our best to the Master, the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords.
When Jesus returns, he will be the victor in the final fight against Satan and all his devils. The time is now to choose whose side you want to be on.
God bless you and your family this Christmas season. Our choir will sing its Christmas message on Dec. 16 at 11 a.m. The children’s play will be at 5 p.m. on the same day, with dinner to follow.
We are always blessed when Don Fisher plays his harmonica. Today he played “Silent Night,” accompanied by Jeannie Mims on the piano. Jeannie sang “Beautiful Star of Bethlehem,” doing a wonderful job.
Visit us at Samaria. Jesus meets us here, and you will receive a blessing when you come.