Church news for Thursday, Nov. 8
Published 9:22 pm Thursday, November 15, 2012
Jackson Chapel Church
Bro. Horace Wyatt got the morning worship service started off with “The Gloryland Way” and “How Beautiful Heaven Must Be.” Luke Wilson blessed us with “This Train is Bound for Glory.” Bro. Dennis’ text came from the Song of Solomon 3:1-2. As Christians, if we are going to be in a right relationship with Jesus Christ, we have to search for the right answers in the Word of God. We can’t live for Jesus Christ only on Sundays; we have to live for him every day of the week. We need to strive to be where God is every day because if we don’t, this will cause us to miss out on some of the greatest blessings God has in store for us. The service ended with several coming to pray.
Please remember these as you pray this week: James and Marie Johnson, Dale and Dean Lett, Faye Baker, Margie Baker, the Rhodes family, the leaders of our country, our service members and our lost loved ones.
We are located at 4020 Yellow Leaf Road in Clanton. Service times are Sunday School at 10 a.m., Sunday morning worship at 11 a.m., Sunday evening worship service at 6 p.m. and Wednesday Bible study at 7 a.m.
Mountain Springs Church
Services started with Bro. Kenneth Moates leading the church in the following hymns: “Are You Washed in the Blood,” “Fill My Way With Love,” “Living by Faith” and “I Want to Know More About My Lord.”
Bro. Roger Cleckler gave a devotion from Luke 10:2. We need to witness to people and help them find salvation, because hell is a real place.
After Sunday School, Bro. Kenneth led the church in the hymn “Victory in Jesus” and Kellie Bice sang “I Keep Praying.”
Bro. Tim Henry and his family were with us this Sunday. Bro. Tim preached from 1 John 5:13. Things we know as Christians: The flesh is wicked: Romans 7:18, all things work together for good: Romans 8:28, an unsaved man can not discern spiritual matters: 1 Corinthians 2:14, we are bought with a price: 1 Corinthians 6:19, whom I have believed: 2 Timothy 1:12, bad times will come: 2 Timothy 3:1 and one day we will be like God: 1 John 3:1-2.
Sunday night’s service began with Bro. Kenneth leading the church in the hymns “Jesus is Coming Soon,” “Life’s Railway to Heaven,” “The Sweetest Song I Know” and “Getting Ready to Leave this World.”
Bro. Kenneth Moates gave a devotion from 1 John 4:7-8. The keywords of 1 John are “fellowship,” “know” and “love.” If we have all three of these, we will have joy in our heart.
Bro. Tim Henry preached from 1 Corinthians 15:33. The message, titled “The Courage to Say ‘No’ in a ‘Yes’ World,” was mainly to the youth of the church. Don’t underestimate the importance of your choices, decide your convictions before you face the choice, determine the risk factor in every situation, depend upon God every day, develop friends who will stand with you and declare your decisions with courage. The choices you make today will determine your tomorrow. God will honor you if you say, “no” the world and “yes” to Jesus.
Calvary Independent Baptist Church
We were blessed with the opportunity to show honor and appreciation to our veterans this Sunday. The Bible tells us in Romans 13:7 to give honor to whom honor is due. We should be careful to pay tribute and honor to our veterans, and also to the ones who are now serving in the military of this great nation in which we are privileged to live. Sunday morning’s service included a message from 2 Timothy 2:1-4 about being soldiers on the winning side. We are to be strong in grace, strong in doctrine and strong in battle, serving our great God and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Sunday night’s service included a message about growing in Christ. Scripture references were taken from Colossians 2, James 4 and other passages. We are complete in Christ; we have a full supply of what we need to live our lives for God.
We want to invite you to visit and worship with us during any of our services. We are located on Fulmer Drive in South Clanton, just past Dollar General, off U.S. Highway 31. Sunday School 9 a.m., Children’s Church and adult worship service 10 a.m., Sunday evening service 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday service 6:30 p.m. For more information, call Pastor Oscar Mims at 205-755-9399.
Rocky Mount United Methodist Church
As we end this week that started with Veteran’s Day, we hope you took the time to thank a veteran for serving our country. Please pray for those still serving for the sake of our country. So many men and women have given their lives for their country, yet we see the country changing every day. The values of our country continue to change. This is no longer your father’s country, and soon, it may not be God’s country either. God is being removed from our money, our schools and many other public forums. It looks like we are practicing faith in a pagan nation. While Christianity is thriving worldwide, this isn’t the time for comfortable Christianity. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is alive in this country, in Jemison and Thorsby, and at Rocky Mount Methodist Church. We all need to stand up for what we believe and put God first. We are all created by God for a purpose. What is your purpose? You need to continuously ask yourself that question. You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind. Stand up and be counted! If you don’t, who will?
In addition to our Sunday morning and evening services, we have Wednesday evening activities. If you are a youth, meet downstairs with the youth. If you don’t consider yourself a youth, meet upstairs for Bible study.
Join us this Sunday, Nov. 18, at 11 a.m. to hear Bro. Phil’s next sermon. Then join us in the Family Life Center as we come together to enjoy a meal of Thanksgiving. If you have any questions, call the church office at 688-2204.
Bethsalem Baptist Church
Bro. Cleve Mallory opened our day of worship by welcoming everyone. We welcomed our interim pastor, Bro. Phil Winningham, and family.
The children’s message was “Love God and Love Others,” followed by veteran recognition. “Written in Red” was performed by the Celebration Choir. Bro. Phil’s message, “The Principal of the Path,” was taken from Proverbs 7.
Ashton Arnold, son of Chris and Amanda Arnold, was saved.
Bro. Rick Barnhurt brought the evening message, “Being Filled With God’s Will,” from Colossians 1 and 3.
Family supper on Wednesday at 5:30 p.m., prayer meeting for adults, children’s choir and The Outlet for students.
Please pray for Charles Bryant, Debra Mims, Jeff Thrasher, the Crawford family, Glen Smith, Ida and Claude Davis, Monica Ousley, Edward Moore, Elridge Townsend, Juana Wright, Justin Corn, Samuel Smith, Victoria Smitherman, Monica Price, Lilianna Thompson, Marshall Green,
Jennifer Mitchell, Wes Raines, Ellen Seals, Perry Parriss, Richard Smith, Harold Hunt, Tamike Lewis, Dearl Hilyer, those facing cancer, our homebound and those in the nursing home.
Happy birthday to Brenda Lyster, Frankie Smith, Emily Baker, Tony Smitherman, Roger Yeargan, Steven Bice, Jeremy Headkey, Adelyn Fulmer, Wilma Thomas, Peyton Blalock and Jerrica Wells,
Church Thanksgiving supper next Sunday at 5 p.m. Bring canned goods. Christmas shoeboxes are due on Nov. 18.
Mars Hill Baptist Church
Prepared, tried, tested and proven worthy. These are words that describe many things, especially our veterans, past and present. Honor them this week, for the battles they have won throughout our history as a nation have been many. They are the reason we enjoy the many privileges we have today: freedom of religion, speech and the press, to name a few. These words can certainly describe Jesus Christ. He came into this world prepared to die for our sins. He was tempted and tried in the wilderness, and unbelievers tested him daily in his ministry, yet he was proven worthy to hang upon an old rugged cross to die for the sins of the world, both yours and mine.
Our sermon this Sunday was taken from 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 and delivered by Bro. Tyson McClain, who ably filled in for our pastor, Bro. William Short, who could not be with us due to illness. Please pray for a quick recovery for our pastor. We love you, Bro. William!
Jesus is the standard by which we should all strive to live. Sadly, we fall short of the mark. Why? Because we are not prepared for our walk with Christ. Verse 24 tells us those who run a race do not run to loose, but to win the prize. A marathon runner trains by running many miles every day. We think we can go to church a couple of hours a week and be ready to face whatever Satan throws at us. Verse 25 tells us we should run for an imperishable crown. Winners often receive a trophy, medal, or a crown to show their accomplishment. We should run for the imperishable, incorruptible crown of glory, that will not tarnish or rust away. Do not run this race with uncertainty, but fight to win. Be disciplined in body and mind, and don’t let others find us unworthy to win the prize.
In this life, nothing is given to us; we must earn it. You don’t just get up one morning and decide to run a race. Well, you can, but you won’t get very far without being prepared. How do we, as Christians, prepare to run the race? By doing five simple things: First, by daily Bible study. If you don’t know what God says, how can you run his race? Second, by prayer. Prayer doesn’t need eloquent words spoken in a certain way for God to hear them. Prayer is simply talking to God, telling him our needs. Third, by sharing our faith with others. Here again, is where Bible study will be important. Whenever you attempt to share Christ with anyone, Satan will be there to try to trip you up by throwing questions to you, and Brother, you had better be prepared to fight! Fourth, by going to church, not just once a week, but every time the doors are open. And fifth, by service to others. Find ways to help those in need or fill a position in church to which you are called. Remember, God calls those who hear him. We hear him by reading the Bible. Be disciplined in your service. We are judged by our actions and others are quick to judge us when we fall. Be a shining light in the army of God, not a stumbling block. No one is perfect, but we should strive to be the best we can. Be able to say, as Paul says in 2 Timothy 4:7-8, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” Finally, there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the Righteous Judge will give to me on that day, and not to me only, but also to all who have loved his appearing. These are beautiful words that all Christians should long to hear. Amen.
Please bring all filled shoeboxes by next Sunday, Nov. 18. On Nov. 25, the Kempters will be singing in our evening service beginning at 5 p.m. Afterward, refreshments will be served in our fellowship hall. There will be several churches attending this night, so bring finger foods, and prepare to have a great time in the Lord with the Kempters. On Dec. 1, our Senior Messengers will be traveling to Christmas on the Rocks in Gadsden. Pray for a safe and fun-filled trip for them. Finally, pray for our church, the sick, the lost, the hurting, our troops, our leaders and our country. God is great, all the time. Amen.
Samaria Baptist Church
This morning, we honor those who serve, and have served, our great country. America is weary, tired and guilty of turning away from God. We need to fix our eyes on him and pray our country back to him. No matter what, God is the answer to all our needs. We had a wonderful service today, led by Josh and Becca Jones, missionaries to Europe. Josh grew up in our church, and Becca is also from the area. Their little girl, Camille, was a great help to us as she happily passed out the prayer cards for her family.
Becca sang “Jesus, Beautiful Name” and “I Am Redeemed.” She did a wonderful job and blessed our hearts tremendously. Josh shared with us about their ministry experiences in the Canary Islands and their new calling to Milan, Italy. He preached to us a sermon titled “Is the Gospel Worth Sharing?” The good news is that Jesus came to save, not just to condemn us.
The Gospel is for everyone. It is all inclusive and leaves no one out. Jesus cleans up our lives. He will use you to change others; all we need to do is be willing to serve. Josh saw the changes in the lives of those who had never heard the Gospel. They were afraid to exercise knowledge of it initially, due to the Muslim background from which they came. If you are out of God’s worship, or out of fellowship with him, then it is time to get back to Christ while there is time to make a difference. Jesus is coming back. We need to be ready for him. He will make all your troubles far less difficult. We are in the last days and we need a Savior. Don’t turn him away. He is the difference between eternal life and death. God bless you. Come to Samaria; we are growing, and we want you to be a part of our growth.
Bethany Baptist Church
Prior to the Sunday morning message, the congregation stood and sang “The Star Spangled Banner.” Bro. Steve then recognized each of the veterans in our membership, citing their branch of service and the number years they have served. We honor all of our armed forces veterans and thank God for those who have served, as well as those who are currently serving faithfully to protect the freedoms of our great nation.
Bro. Steve brought a sermon from 2 Timothy 2:1-4, in which the Apostle Paul likened our service to God to that of a soldier. In spite of dangers and hardships, a good soldier sacrificially displays courage and is committed to faithful service to his commander-in-chief. Just as the soldier is strictly obedient to his commander, so should we be obedient in the Lord’s army. We should remain loyal and obedient to God, and always seek to please him. It is important to be faithful in whatever God has for us to do.
Sunday night, Bro. Steve brought a message about God’s benefits. These verses in Psalm 68:19, 103:2 and 116:12 remind us to remember the Lord is the source of our daily benefits, He amply supplies us with spiritual and physical blessings we shouldn’t forget. In response to his benefits, we should show to him our gratitude and praise. Bro. Steve challenged us to spend time alone with the Lord this week, enumerate the benefits he gives us, and render praise unto him.
Prayer list: Betty Biggs, James Bixler, Doris and Verdie Glenn, Paul Gray, Hubert Griffin, Mildred Griffin, Ernestine Hatch, Laverne and Dick Hayes, Ethel Kelly, Billie Neeley and Skipper Wallace. See you Sunday!
Christ Independent Methodist Church
On this beautiful Sabbath and Veteran’s Day, it was a pleasure to have our own veterans with us as we honored them on their day. The Bible tells that no man has greater love for his fellow man than those willing to lay down their own life for his fellow man. This is why we honor our veterans, for they have exemplified a willingness to follow this rule. May God bless all of our veterans: those retired from services and those still on the field of battle worldwide.
Dr. Mac Stinson took his scripture from Deuteronomy 8:7-18, 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 and Luke 17:11-19. His sermon title was “Take Time to Say Thanks.” This holiday was originally called Armistice Day, in honor of our veterans past and present. This holiday began when World War I ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. Today more than ever, we need to say, “thank you” to all of those who wear the uniform, serving as our defenders all around the world and putting their lives on the line for those of us here at home in the U.S.A. It behooves us to remember that freedom is never free, rather it is bought and paid for by the service and blood of our men and women who wear the uniform of our nation.
Those two little words, “thank you,” can make a tremendous difference in your life. Sometimes, the ones to whom we say those words the least are the ones most responsible for what we have and who we are. They provide us with the three essentials: food, clothing, and shelter.
How many times a day do you say, “thank you,” and what do you say it for? Make a list for each day of the week, listing what you are thankful for on each day. You could begin your table grace with being thankful for food.
Our prayer list: Dr. Mac Stinson and his cousin, Kyle, Carl Glass, Dr. Phil Simms, Lora Haley, Judy Atkinson, Cathy Lutza and Dr. Mike Weldon, who is facing major heart surgery. Remember our military and their families, our country, our church and community, each other, little Israel and Christians worldwide.
Our Harvest Supper will be this Saturday, Nov. 17. The program will begin at 5 p.m. Join us for this happy time and invite friends and family.
Our visitors are always welcome, and we hope you will return. Have a blessed week.
Mount Carmel No. 1
As we celebrate this Veteran’s Day, let us focus on God’s blessing on America, thanking God for our freedom and liberty. We are thankful for all who have served in any way, and our prayers are with those serving today.
We began our service by singing some patriotic songs in honor on Veteran’s day. Special music was provided by Libby Warren, playing the trombone. Thank you, Libby. Good job.
For the children’s sermon, Bro. Derrel compared the lives of children to a bow and arrow: the object is to hit the target, and the target is to serve God and follow the Lord.
Sermon focus: “Living Letters,” taken from 2 Corinthians 2:12-12 and 3:1-6. In 2 Corinthians, Paul was a living letter. He would always go for the best. The people in Corinth did not appreciate Paul’s letter and he did not rest until he preached Christ’s gospel. Paul was a sweet savor of Christ. We need to be a living letter for Christ.
On Sunday night, Bro. Derrel’s message was titled “Betrayal,” taken from 2 Samuel 15:7-12. Betrayal starts with lies. Absalom begged to go to Hebron to pay his vow unto the Lord. He stole the hearts of the men of Israel and betrayed his father in order to be king. Do not be a betrayer. As Christians, we betray the power of the cross when we sin. Cling to the cross and its power in order to flee from the betrayal of the love of God.
Sunday evening’s service closed with altar prayer. We held a special prayer for the Christmas Child shoeboxes prepared by our church members. The youth of the church walked up the aisle and laid the boxes on the altar. The congregation gathered, laid hands on the boxes and prayed.
There is a correction regarding the small gifts for Hatley Nursing Home. These are gifts for the residents to purchase and give to their families for Christmas. The due date for this project is Nov. 30. Please take part in this project.
“The Gospel According to Scrooge” will be presented at Kingwood Church. Our church is planning a trip to see this play. Admission is free. If you would like to go, please let Bro. Derrel know.
Upcoming events: The bridal shower for Lilly Jones will be on Nov. 17 at 2 p.m. in the fellowship hall. The Harvest Supper will be on Nov. 18 following the evening service. Everyone is invited to come and give thanks for all your blessings.
Please remember to pray especially for baby Jacob Jones and his family, Danny Childress, Gladys and Cecil Franklin, Hershel Scott and all unspoken requests. God knows their needs and will hear our prayers.