Commission approves new chairman
Published 4:59 pm Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Headley said if the humane society wasn’t going to take the dogs brought to them then they needed to have their funding taken away.
Agee said people living in the city could take their animals to the county and dump them off resulting in the county having to carry three times the load.
“I know they are animals but the city pays and they can take any pet they want to without being charged for it,” Agee said.
Mims made a motion to have Missildine come to the next meeting with Commissioner Joe Headley seconding it.
County engineer Tony Wearren requested a work session to discuss a couple of programs including a new program called RAMP (Rural Assistance Match Program) from Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT).
The commissioners discussed the scheduling of future work sessions to be on the Mondays there is not a regularly scheduled meeting (as needed) to begin at 6 p.m.
Headley made a motion to change the morning meetings regularly scheduled at 9 a.m. to evening meetings.
“I don’t think we have as much attendance when we have the meetings in the mornings,” Headley said.
The commission normally meets the first and third Monday of every month at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. respectively.
Hayes said he was going to abstain from the vote because he didn’t have a preference for when the commission met.
The rest of the commission voted in favor of changing the schedule of the meetings to having all of them scheduled for 6 p.m. starting in December with Agee opposing the motion.
In other business, the commission:
• Voted to reduce the speed limit at County Road 338 to 15 mph due to motorists speeding through the area. Wearren said the road has two sharp curves in it with a large amount of kids along the road and motorists often do 50 mph along the road.
The speed limit change is the first road in the county to have a speed limit of 15 mph.
• Passed a resolution to approve a key card for Shannon Welch.
• Passed a resolution to store the surplus scrap metal from the library group project to the road department.
• Tabled a discussion regarding purchasing a van for county maintenance supervisor Pete Davenport. Davenport told commissioners at the Oct. 22 meeting his company truck fell apart causing him to slide into an 18-wheeler that was parked on the side of the road. Commissioners instructed Davenport to research availability of vehicles and come back with information at a future meeting.
Caton said since the vehicle is coming out of funds for the county he would like to research several options before approving the purchase.