Church News from Thursday, Oct. 11
Published 4:35 pm Thursday, October 11, 2012
Mt. Carmel No. 1
Our service began with welcoming, fellowship, songs of praise and time with our visitors and each other. We are a small congregation, but we have a good fellowship and try to sincerely worship God in our services.
Tammy Harmon sang “We Made It By Grace.” Our pastor, Bro. Derrell Jones, gathered the children to teach them using his ‘Sermon In a Sack.’ God’s message to the children this Sunday was taken from Mark 12:24. It was a story about a little old lady who gave her money to Jesus.”
Romans 15:4, “Seven Reasons to be Encouraged,” was our Sunday morning message. Look in God’s word to find encouragement and study the Book of Romans.
God never changes, so we are encouraged. God is in control; he holds tomorrow, and has met our needs. Every trial has a meaning; it may be to strengthen you or someone you love. Jesus is interceding for you and me (1 Timothy 1:2.) God’s love will never let us go. We are looking forward to a much better place, for a city whose builder is God, and it will be our eternal home. The 40 Days of Prayer schedule: Join with us as we band together to plead for God’s mercy on our churches, our nation and our world. Our main goal is for the glory of God’s word and his kingdom to be spread.
Sunday night, our hearts were blessed with the singing of a special song. “I’m a Winner Either Way” was sung by our pastor, Bro. Derrell, and his wife, Tammy.
“When Blessings Are Wasted,” from John 6:1-14, was the title of Sunday evening’s sermon. If we are not careful in our walk and talk with Jesus, we will miss our blessings. Your blessings are between you and God. Read God’s word and let him speak to you. Ask yourself why you are following Jesus.
Choir practice will be on Sunday at 4 p.m. We will begin our Christmas Cantata. Please come and have a part in our choir.
The children will be going to the Pumpkin Patch on Oct. 20. They will leave the church at 11 a.m., and return at 5 p.m.
Appreciation Day for our pastor and church staff will be Oct. 21. That will also be Old-fashioned Sunday. Please come fellowship with us. Everyone is welcome. Trunk-or-Treat will be Oct. 31 at 7 p.m. Please come out, decorate your car trunks and fill them with candy for our children. The car trunks will be judged for the best decoration.
Please join us as we pray for all of the prayer requests in our church and the needs of our people. Pray for Linda and Wayne Cummings as they recover from the fire damage to their home this past Tuesday.
Friendship Baptist Church
Sunday’s choir special was “Indescribable.” Bro. Ken Daniel’s message was from Mark 9:35-37 titled “I Am the Greatest.” Jesus said that if anyone wants to be the first, they need to be last and a servant for all.” Jesus took a little child in his arms and said whoever welcomes one of the little children in his name, welcomes him.
In the evening service, our youth, along with their teacher, presented a skit titled “Baggage.” What a wonderful performance!
The adults who visited the Amish community in Ethridge, Tenn. on Saturday had a wonderful trip. Fall Outreach Festival: Oct. 27 at 6 p.m. We will have games, hotdogs, a chili cook-off and other activities. See Dusty if you can help.
World Hunger Sunday: Oct. 28. Trip to Christmas Village: Nov. 1. We will leave the church at 7:30 a.m. Shoe boxes are due to the association’s office Nov. 12-15. Guatemala Medical Mission Trip: Fed. 27, 2013.
Our gym is open for activities on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 p.m.
Happy birthday to Fred Glover, Lucille Pearce and Cassie Wakefield. Prayer is requested for Joseph Moxey, Denis Peacock, William Varnadore, Samantha McDonald, the Nichols family and Juanita Staggs.