Banquet is Care Net’s fundraiser

Published 6:27 pm Friday, September 21, 2012

Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center will strive to meet a $40,000 fundraising goal at its eighth annual banquet to be held Oct. 4 at the Jemison City Hall Municipal Complex.

Care Net is a non-profit organization that provides counseling and medical services to women affected by unplanned pregnancies, and if it reaches its 2012 banquet goal, the center will have more than five months of operating funds.

“All proceeds benefit Care Net Pregnancy Center of Chilton County in our mission to uphold the sanctity of human life by providing assistance, education and loving encouragement to women, men and youth concerning abstinence, pregnancy and post-abortion issues while sharing the Gospel in word and deed,” said Deanna Crist, Care Net’s executive director.

The theme of this year’s banquet is “Bridges of Hope,” which Crist said stems from the idea in which the center’s ministry serves to bridge the gap between families in crisis and the Lord through the hope received from his word.

Wayne Hughes, pastor of The Church at Bethel in Thorsby, will host the banquet, and Christian music artist Deidra Hughes of Nashville, Tenn., will perform.

Lanette Samaniego, founder of Broken Wings Women’s Ministry, will share her personal testimony of how the Lord offered her hope and salvation through trusting in his word.

The event will be from 7–8:30 p.m. and is free to attend.

Since Care Net is a non-profit organization, individual donations, pledges and community sponsorship fund the banquet each year.

Those interested in helping Care Net can do so through sponsorship, donating an item or service to the silent auction, being a table host, serving as a volunteer or serving on the prayer committee.

For more information or to reserve a table at the banquet, contact Deanna Crist at (205) 755-6767 or email