State agencies provide tips for safe Labor Day weekend

Published 1:52 pm Thursday, August 30, 2012

As an added precaution during the heavily traveled holiday, the Alabama Department of Transportation announced Thursday there would be no temporary lane closures on Alabama interstates from noon Friday until midnight Monday, Sept. 3.

Limiting roadwork during this busy holiday period is a safety measure for the traveling public, construction industry workers and maintenance crews. Throughout the year, ALDOT limits road construction during major holiday weekends. Emergency lane closures may be possible, depending on specific circumstances on interstates and other state roadways.

ALDOT’s mission is to provide a safe, efficient, environmentally and economically sound transportation network across Alabama. For road condition information, visit and

For further information on making this Labor Day weekend a safe one or for more about Task Force agencies, contact:

•Alabama Alcohol Beverage Control Enforcement: Capt. Hal Taylor, 334-213-6319,

•Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (Marine Police): Capt. Erica Shipman, 334-353-9265,

•Alabama Department of Homeland Security: Leah Garner, 334-353-3046,

•Alabama Department of Insurance: Stephen Holmes, 334-240-4434,

•Alabama Department of Public Safety: Sgt. Steve Jarrett, 334-242-4445,; or Robyn Litchfield, 334-242-4445,

•Alabama Public Service Commission: Angier Johnson, 334-353-7188,

•Alabama Department of Revenue: Carla Snellgrove, 334-242-1390,