Church News for Thursday, July 19
Published 5:44 pm Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Center Hill Baptist
“Give thanks unto the Lord, for He is Good!” “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise.”
The theme of being thankful to God permeated our entire church today. We are all so thankful for many things, places and people, but most of all we need to be thankful to Jesus, God’s son, making it possible to go to Heaven.
Our offertory was a Squire Parsons’ song, “Some Call It Heaven, I Call it Home.”
The congregation sang “Enter His Courts with Thanksgiving in your Heart.” The Bible repeatedly stresses the importance of giving thanks to God. Bro. Jeff gave numerous scripture references to being thankful and praising God. We are told to even sing praises to God, for it is good for the soul.
What we should be most thankful for is the work of Christ. Because of that work, God has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. Before that, we were unqualified, having no hope.
We will share the inheritance of eternal life, the earth and all of God’s promises. Knowing this, why do we worry about trivial things? We are blessed because that inheritance belongs only to the “saints in Light.”
God has graciously given us a guarantee for our inheritance-the Holy Spirit. We need to be thankful that He rescued us from the domain of darkness (Satan’s power). We do not have the power to rescue ourselves.
Being inheritors made us subjects of Christ’s kingdom.
All of these truths should cause us to give thanks and praise God continually.
Our closing song was appropriately titled “Give Thanks.” Then we had a time of individuals sharing what they are thankful for.
Among other things, I am thankful for the men that worked so diligently Saturday morning on our children’s playground. I am thankful for the opportunity to return to God’s House Sunday night to continue our study of Revelations.
All need to mark their calendars for the Association Evangelism Rally on Sept. 9 at Clanton First Baptist Church at 6 p.m.
We are thankful for our visitors and for God answering so many prayers in our church family. Continue to pray for our nation and its leaders.