Volunteers wanted for Lake Mitchell cleanup March 24
Published 3:57 pm Friday, March 9, 2012
Lake Mitchell is one of Chilton County’s most popular places for homeowners, vacationers and first-time visitors looking for a scenic retreat.
Unfortunately, the lake is also a popular place for litter to accumulate.
Twice each year, cleanup crews converge at Lake Mitchell to clear the waters and banks of debris.
Lake Mitchell Home Owners and Boat Owners Association, in cooperation with the Alabama Power Company’s Renew Our Rivers Program, will host the spring cleanup Saturday, March 24.
“You do not have to be a lake resident to come help clean,” said Peggy Bullard. “Just show up at 8 a.m. on March 24, and there will be someone there to put (you) to work either around Higgins Ferry or assign (you) to a boat to clean the designated lake areas.”
HOBO members and volunteers will work at different locations on and around the lake and will receive a light lunch.
Doug Powell of Alabama Power Company has noted significant improvement since the Renew Our Rivers Program was established in the late 1990s.
Over the past decade, volunteers have removed tons of trash from the almost 150 miles of shoreline surrounding Lake Mitchell.
HOBO also sponsors an annual scholarship program for a graduating high school student in Chilton or Coosa counties.
Participation in one of the cleanup events is a prerequisite for the scholarship. Other high school groups are welcome to participate as well.
Frank Atkinson, the park ranger at Higgins Ferry, has played a major role in supporting the removal of the trash once it is off-loaded on shore.
Chilton County provides the vehicle for transporting the trash to the landfill, and the Chilton County Sheriff’s Department provides volunteers to assist with the loading of the vehicle.
For more information, call Lake Mitchell Home Owners and Boat Owners Association at (205) 755-0863.