Church news for Thursday, Nov. 10, 2011

Published 4:54 pm Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bethany Baptist
“I Call Him Lord” was the special sung by Jeanette Jessop and Elaine Staton. Bro. Steve’s sermon was on “How To Be Saved,” taken from Acts 16:16-34.  Afflictions come to many when they serve the Lord. It could be God allowed Paul and Silas to be imprisoned at this time so that the Philippian jailer and his family would become saved. The jailer asked the greatest question ever asked: “What must I do to be saved?” He was given the greatest answer: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved…” The jailer made the greatest response, when he accepted and believed in the Lord Jesus Christ and was saved. So did his family when they heard the word. What about you? Have you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation?
Sunday night we observed the Lord’s Supper. Bro. Steve’s message was taken from Matthew 26:17-30. He explained the institution of the Lord’s Supper at the Passover meal. Christ is the fulfilling of the Passover lamb. When we partake of the Lord’s Supper today we are to remember his death and crucifixion and the promise of the return of Jesus Christ.
Prayer list: Betty Biggs, Carl Gray, Ellen Gray, Ophelia Griffin, Ernestine Hatch, Gloria Headley, Danny Jones, Mary Knight, Larry Miller, Billie Neeley and the family of Jesse Wallace.
See you Sunday.

Bethsalem Baptist
Our service began with a reminder of Operation Christmas Child. Fill your shoeboxes up.
Also, bring canned food to donate Sunday.
We had a time of welcoming and fellowship with the congregation singing. Special music was by Kelsey Pierce singing “How Great Thou Art,” and the Celebration Choir sang “No More Night.”
The message by Bro. Brad was from Luke 9:18-25. Two more children were saved and joined our church.
During our evening worship, we observed our first Super Sunday Night with people telling what they were thankful for. It was a great service. Afterward we celebrated Bro. Brad’s birthday.
Pray for Randy and Anna Thompson and daughter, Lilianna; J.D. Jones, Marie Smith, Bro. James Moore, Charles Bryant, Debra Mims, Patsy Lockhart, Paul Green, Pete and Myra Burnett, Pamela Howell, Donnie Eslinger, McCoy Durren, Jimmy and Jetti Durbin, Tyler Harmon, Ray and Eloise Edwards, Chris Moore, Charles Owens, Anna Russell, Makesha Scott, Pamela Howell, Bobbie Cox, Gabrielle Kelley, J.T. Loyd, Miranda hill, Jacob Jones, Dana and Alyson Stockton, Donnie Eslinger, families who have lost loved ones, our homebound, our country, and pray for revival to come.
Happy birthday to Gary Hand, Justin Carroll, Ryan Gray, Bryant Hunt, Shane Cooper, Konnar Brogden, Payton Wallace, Judson Hill, Jarrett Baker, E.H. Phillips, Nathan Martin, Halie Hines, J.T. Glasscock Luke Ellison, Al Evans, Justin Pack, Reid Ellison, Brenda Lyster, Brad Eubank, Frankie Smith and Emily Baker.
Happy anniversary to Marshal and Hazel Green.
The deadline for the Smokey Mountain Student Conference will be Oct. 30.
Have a blessed week. God is so good. Come worship with us Sunday and get connected.
Tell someone about Jesus this week.

Independent Baptist
Calvary Independent Baptist Church was blessed with visitors for both our services Sunday. Pastor Rick Hatchett brought the Sunday morning message from the book of John on loving the life that this world has to offer and losing the life that Christ has to offer.
He preached on holding on to this life leading to death and made the comparison to losing this life and having new eternal life in Christ by trusting in the Gospel for our salvation and making Christ Lord of our life.
The evening service included a message brought by Youth Pastor Kevin Shaw from Psalms and Hebrews. He preached about how we are to make a joyful noise unto the lord in all our situations by lifting up and praising Jesus. He brought out how we need to make that joyful noise not only with the things we say about the Lord but also with the things we say about the ones around us. Envy and strife have no place in the Lord’s house; love for one another is how we know we are disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. We want to welcome anyone that wants to come out and worship with us during any of our services.
We are especially thankful for all the ones who serve in our children’s ministries and all the ones who remember our kids to lift them up in prayer each week. The Bible says children are a heritage unto the Lord.
If you have never met a pastor that loves the Lord’s work enough to drive a bus loaded with kids to church every week, come visit with us sometime.

Cedar Grove
“The Lord is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation” (Exodus 15:2).
The songs led by Bro. Steve Price were “I Am Resolved” and “I Am Thine O Lord.”
We had an anointing service for Rick Lowery, Donna Caton and Ann Russell. The Lord came by and we had church right then; it was truly a blessing.
Sunday, Nov. 13, Tim Green will be preaching at 10 a.m., followed by singing with The Tim Green Trio. Come on and enjoy the morning with us.
Please pray for Ricky Lowery, as he was in an accident and is very ill at this time. Also pray for Donna Caton, who is going to the hospital Friday (Shelby). We have many on our prayer list, some with family problems and some with sickness. Jean Varden is very ill in the hospital at this writing (St. Vincent’s).
Sis. Debbie Scott sang “Help Is on the Way” as our special for the morning.
Bro. Jeff Carroll preached a good message entitled, “How to Become the Children of God.” His scripture came from John 1:6-14.
Sis. Stacy Wyatt sang “God Has Another Plan” for the song of invitation. Several went to the altar to pray.
The evening service got going with some good old hymns, and Bro. Steve Price sang “Hold On” and his son Sam sang “Rock of Ages Hide Thou Me.” Both did a great job.
Bro. Heath Vines preached a good sermon, “Unity With God,” and his scripture came from 1 Peter 3:8-17.
Remember to pray for Ruby Neeley, as she has had eye problems, and pray that they will soon be well.
Remember our website, Have a good week and God bless.

Center Hill Baptist
Bro. Jeff Champion added an interesting twist to our worship services. He preached his sermon at the beginning of the service. The focal passage was Matthew 9:9-13. One of the problems of some contemporary churches is that they fail to confront people with the reality of sin. Some forget that salvation is also God liberating sinners from the bondage of sin. God will punish unrepentant sinners with eternal punishment.
Any salvation that does not alter a lifestyle of sin and transform the heart of the sinner is not a genuine salvation. Sin is not a side issue; it is the issue.
Rice bowls were collected for World Hunger. They can also be turned in next week.
Sunday, Nov. 20 will be our annual Harvest Supper at 5 p.m. All are invited.
You are cordially invited to worship with us each Sunday. Don’t wait for six strong men to carry you to church.

Christ Independent Methodist
Riding the short distance from my home to church Sunday morning, I was treated to a kaleidoscope of color that nature spread before me on the brilliant leaves of the forest. Going to the mountains to view the autumn landscape is nice, but don’t fail to appreciate the fall beauty of colorful leaves right here in Chilton County. They complement the fall flowers brought forth by the rain showers.
Dr. Mac Stinson took his text Sunday morning from Mark, which is said to be the oldest and briefest of the Gospels.
Mark wrote it in Rome, probably before the fall of Jerusalem A.D. 70. Dr. Stinson’s sermon title was “Watching and Waiting.”
Jesus is speaking to his disciples and others concerning forgiveness and the importance of prayer.
In Mark 11:24, Jesus says, “Therefore I say unto you, what so ever things you desire, when you pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”
Continuing the theme of forgiveness, Jesus says in Mark 11:25-26, “And when you stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any; that your Father which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.”
Because God has been merciful to us, he expects us to forgive and be merciful to others.
Dr. Stinson feels that we live today in a world of morbid denial. Today’s world is one of people who for the most part are living without hope. That is why our Christian religion is so important — it offers hope for the future. Not all religions offer that hope. Our world is ongoing, and we don’t know the hour, the day, the week nor the moment when our Lord may come again or the trumpet may sound, but we need to be “watching and waiting” and be ready.
Our prayer list: Herman Glass, Ronnie Glass, Mable Mitchell, Dakota Justice, our military, their families, our country, community, church, Israel, Christians everywhere and each other.
Our harvest supper will be Saturday night, Nov. 12 at 5. Supper in the fellowship hall will follow a program in the sanctuary.
Have a blessed week.

Friendship Baptist
Bro. Ken’s (Daniel) sermon was from Lamentations 3:39 and was titled, “Thanksgiving or Complaining.”
The world is full of problems. We need problem solvers. We need to be thankful for what the Lord has given us.
The Sunday evening sermon was from John 6:25-35, “Thanksgiving in a Land of Plenty.” We should be thankful for what we have. We live in an attitude, “What have you done for me lately?” God will supply for our daily needs as well as prepare our spiritual needs.
Please remember our air conditioner fund. The balance is $3,517.
Prayer requests: Maxine Nichols, Stephanie Jones, Lucille Price, Tony Connell, Jeff Lyles, Jimmy Lyles, Alisha Callahan, Kay Fanning family, Karlie Chadwick.
Happy birthday this week to Lucille Price, Alex Wyatt, Braxton Minor, John Jones, Lucy Norton, Dianne Varden, Cassie Wakefield, Andrea Wakefield, Brandon Martin and Regeana Funderburk.
Upcoming events:
Nov. 13: Bro. Dusty Dutton and his family will be here for our minister of music position. Members will have an opportunity to vote on him during the special called business meeting.
During our harvest lunch and Taste of the Holidays, we will bring a covered dish to share for our meal and a dish/platter of our favorite goodie. A copy of our recipe will also be brought. A table will be set up to do different Christmas crafts in the gym.
Nov. 20: The children’s Thanksgiving party will be held in the fellowship hall from noon until 4 p.m. There will be pizza and pumpkin pies.

Jackson Chapel
Bro Gary Fant got the morning worship service started off with “Just Over in the Glory Land” and “Rescue The Perishing.” Bro Dennis blessed us with a beautiful song entitled “I’m Not the Man I Used To Be,” and as he was singing the altar began to fill with people praying and the Holy Spirit was present in a mighty way.
Bro Dennis’ text came from Luke 15:11-24. We as Christians need to realize that we are on a free fall headed for a catastrophe if we don’t get our lives right with God. We make our own decisions whether we want to serve God or not, but we have to be very careful about those decisions that we make because making a wrong decision can lead us down a road of destruction.
Bro Gary Fant got the evening service started off with “The Unclouded Day,” “O The Glory Did Roll” and “What a Lovely Name.” Olivia Hughes sang “From The Shepherd’s Point of View” and Luke Wilson blessed us with “O Happy Day” and “Deep and Wide.” Bro Dennis’ message came from Jeremiah 6:16-19. We as Christians have to get back to the old ways of worshipping God. This day and time we are so worried about what people think about us instead of worshipping God. We need to quit worrying about what people think about us and get back to reading our Bibles, praying and the old fashioned way of worship.
Happy birthday this week to Linda Varden.
Please remember these as you pray this week: Karli Chadwick, Vickie Johnston, Murial Luker, Patti Knight, Carolyn Maddox, Don Williams, Ivan Smith, Debra Mims, our lost loved ones and our servicemen and women.

Mt. Carmel No. 1 Baptist
We thank God for the beautiful day He gave us to assemble in His house for a day of worship and praise. Our morning services began with Bro. Derrell presenting a message to the children. His message to them was demonstrating how much easier it is to walk a straight line without any thing in your hands compared to being burden with both arms loaded with song books. This was to show them how allowing sins to creep into our lives makes it hard for us to travel the straight and narrow way on the road of life.
Special music was presented by Lillie Jones and Trevor Cofer doing “The Revelation Song” as a piano and vocal duet. Bro. Derrell’s morning message, “He is Still Speaking,” was taken from John 7:37-26. Do we forget what God has said? His miracles were spectacular, but His words were greater. No one, past or present, has ever spoken like He spoke. We need to listen — He is still speaking today!
“Love to Christ” was our message Sunday evening. The scripture used was John 21:15-17. You say you love Christ — but how? Is your love like Peter’s?
Does our life’s service show that we really love Christ or does it leave Christ and others asking do we really love Him?
Upcoming events at the church include:
Nov. 13 we will have a dedication during the evening service of the boxes done for Operation Christmas Child.
Nov. 20 we will have our Thanksgiving Supper after a time of praise. From now through Nov. 20, we are collecting non-perishable food for the Emergency Assistance Center. We are accepting items for Hatley Healthcare and the box we are sending to a soldier.
We have several in need of special prayer. They are Cecil Franklin, Hershel Scott, Leona Liveoak, Donald Liveoak, Justin, Erika and Jacob Jones.
You are always welcome to worship with us at Mt. Carmel.

Mt. Springs
Services started Sunday, Nov. 6 with Bro. Kenneth Moates leading the church in the following hymns: “When the Saints Go Marching In,” “I’d Rather Be an Old Time Christian” and “I Would Not Be Denied.”
Bro. Roger Cleckler gave a devotion from Nehemiah 13:14-31. When people think of you, they should remember you for good things. What are you being remembered for?
We were very blessed to have one of our newest members dedicated to the Lord this Sunday. Congratulations to Ashley and Kellie Bice for their daughter, Sophie Claire Bice, as she was dedicated to the Lord.
After Sunday School, Bro. Kenneth led the church in the hymns “Somewhere Listening” and “I Want to Be Ready to Meet Him.” Sherrie Moates sang “I Need You More Today” and blessed the church with a wonderful song.
Bro. Don’s message came from Psalms 122:1. We are living in an age where people are independent of one another. We need our church because it gives us worship, fellowship and discipleship. The church helps us to find our talents so we can minister to others.
Sunday night service started with Bro. Kenneth Moates leading in the hymns, “Jesus is Coming Soon,” “Just a Little Talk with Jesus” and “I Want to Know More.”
Bro. Kenneth Moates gave a devotion from Hebrews 9:27.
Everyone is going to die and stand before the Lord one day. What are we going to do to prepare for that day?
Erica Street sang “Stand By the River” and touched the whole church with her young and talented voice.
Bro. Don’s message came from 1 Peter 5:8-9. The devil is our enemy. We will not be defeated by the devil if we stand firm in our faith, spirit, and by reading the word of God.
Here’s a verse for you this week: Matthew 11: 28 “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
Samaria Baptist
Revive us again. We were blessed to have Bro. Don Graham preaching the Gospel for us in our services this past week. God truly used him, as well as our pastor Bro. Charles, and we all left receiving a true blessing from each service.
Brother Don began his ministry at Samaria when he was 20 years old. He is an awesome man of God, and we encourage you to hear him whenever you get an opportunity. He preached extensively about family, children and responsibility.
Seek His will as you choose your mate, and don’t date someone that you would not consider marrying. The man is the head of the spiritual family, and he is charged with directing his family in Bible study, prayer, and following the directions of God’s guide to life. Men are encouraged to honor their wives and love them as God loved the Church and gave Himself for it.
We never figure each other out. But we should seek to learn each other by faith, and trust God to reveal the things about one another that we may not understand.
No marriage is trouble free, men are the stronger vessel, and this is pointed out in God’s word. Women are weaker physically, and this is what God referred to in this passage. Give honor to the difference of your wife, men. The reproductive privilege of life, and miracle of rearing children is the responsibility of both parents.
Don’t worry about keeping up with the Joneses, as we have always said. This will not bring happiness to your home life. Seek the path of God for your family and its needs. May God bless you, and keep you, and always know that you are welcome at Samaria, and we request your presence with us as we worship our Heavenly Father in spirit and in truth.