Church news for Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011

Published 5:16 pm Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bethany Baptist
It was good to see visitors in our service.  A group sang “He Bore It All.” Our pastor continued his sermons on 1 Thessalonians.  His text from 1 Thessalonians 2:13-3:1-13 was “Identifying a Disciple.”
Bro. Steve pointed out that a disciple hears the word and applies it to his life; he follows the Lord as the example; he is steadfast in affliction; he strives to mature in his Christian walk; and he proves he is a true disciple by loving the brethren.
Bro. Steve preached a sermon Sunday night from Isaiah 1:1-20, about the rebellion of the Israelites and God’s chastening.  Then we read of the invitation for them to come, with the promise (in verse 19) that if they submit to Him and be obedient, they would be blessed.
October birthdays and anniversary:  Oct. 10, Jean DeLoach; Oct. 10, Elaine Staton; Oct. 16, Shirley Wallace; Oct. 22, Barbara Miller; Oct. 23, James and Jean DeLoach (anniversary)
Prayer list:  Betty Biggs, Carl Gray, Ellen Gray, Ophelia Griffin, Ernestine Hatch, Gloria Headley, Danny Jones, Mary Knight, Larry Miller, Billie Neeley and Jesse Wallace.  We thank God for answered prayer on behalf of some of our members.
See you Sunday.

Bethsalem Baptist
Our service began with a time of welcoming and fellowship with the congregation singing. After our Operation Christmas Child emphasis and scripture reading, the Celebration Choir sang “His Life For Mine” with “Jesus Paid It All.”
The message by Bro. Brad Eubank was “God’s Strength to Stand” from Ephesians 6:10-13.
Pray this week for Randy and Anna Thompson, daughter Lilianna, J.D. Jones, Marie Smith, Bro. James Moore, Charles Bryant, Irene Courtney, Debra Mims, Jeanette Smitherman, Patsy Lockhart, Tonnia Spigner, Hazel Boswell, Les Ray, Tricia Coles, Janice Blackmon, Paul Green, Pete Burnett, Pamela Howell, Donnie Eslinger, Mike Langford, Eddie Vaughan, McCoy Durren, Vic Lawrence, Jimmy and Jetti Durbin, Elaine Boddie, Jack Parker, Melvin Summerlin, the family of Phillip Plyler, Vickie Knight, Jennifer Till, families who have lost loved ones, our homebound and our country.
Happy birthday this week to Hazel Green, Kim Carroll, Austin Barber, Somer Granier, Cameron Wright, Brandon Blow, Destin Ellison, Beau Battaglia, Nathan Emerich, Hope Wilson, Hannah Jones, Michellie Moseley, Emily Powell, Joy Smith, Eddie Salim and Kyle Pack.
Next Sunday is Friendship Connection; everyone bring your card.
Next Sunday night, our children’s choir will be singing.
Also, Oct. 30 is family trunk or treat at 5 p.m.
The deadline for the Smokey Mountain Student Conference is Oct. 30
Have a blessed week. God is so good.

Independent Baptist
Calvary Independent Baptist Church had a great homecoming service this past Sunday. Bro John Watkins reminded us of how God prepares a man. It was encouraging to hear him preach and to testify about how God has been working in his life.
We had plenty of food and fellowship afterwards downstairs. The singing started back upstairs about 1 p.m. with the local group Justified and the LaRocca family blessing us with many wonderful songs of praise. Even though the morning service lasted quite a bit longer than usual, it was encouraging to see many return for the evening service where Bro. Oscar brought a message about the local church.
We all were excited about Bro. Chip Coleman coming to be with us on Oct. 17-19 starting at 6:30 each night for revival. We were blessed beyond measure by the many other individuals that came and participated in the services. Some gave testimony, some sang songs and we even had singing groups such as the youth choir from Victory Baptist Church of Alex City. It is truly amazing to be in the presence of so many young people who are willing to give their lives in service for the Lord as what we have witnessed lately.
The first night of revival there was present in the meeting preachers from retirement age all the way down to two young men and one even a teenager. It just proves that God wants to be the Lord of your life, no matter what your age is. We would like to encourage everyone to be in a church service somewhere Sunday, and if you don’t have one you like attending, come visit ours.

Cedar Grove
“Sometimes I feel discouraged and feel my life in vain. I’m tempted then to murmur, and of my lot complain; but when I think of Jesus and all he’s done for me, then I cry, ‘O Rock of Ages, hide thou me.’”
Isn’t that beautiful? Bro. Steve Price led this song Sunday morning, “Hide Thou Me.” I just wanted to share a verse with you.
The songs before Sunday School were “He Set Me Free” and “Just a Little While.” Bro. Tim Scott dismissed us into our classes.
Happy birthday to Janet Wyatt and Camden Hubbard. Happy anniversary to Douglas and Joyce Scott.
We welcome our visitors for both services, and we hope you will come again.
Sis. Sandra Carroll sang “God Says You’re Gonna Make It” and Bro. Steve Price sang “I’m Not Ashamed.” Both were accompanied by the choir. There was some beautiful singing going on! And to put the icing on the cake, Jordan Harvely did a beautiful job singing “Yes I Am.”
Bro. Jeff Carroll preached a good sermon from 2 Peter 2:20-22. The song of invitation was “Where Could I Go?” Several went to the altar to pray, and some to be anointed.
The evening service began with “Getting Ready to Leave This World” and “Where the Milk and Honey Flows.” The choir sang several songs, and Bro. Alton Russell sang “The Soldiers in the Army.”
Bro. Heath Vines brought the message from Luke 10:38-42, 11:1, entitled, “Learning From the Savior.” The song of invitation was “Sweet Hour of Prayer,” and the altar filled.
Oct. 29 at 5 p.m. is our fall festival with games, trunk or treat, cake walk and lots of fun.
Remember, it won’t be long until we have to run our clocks back, Nov. 6.
Keep praying for our military, sick and shut-ins, our country, and those without a job. Remember Mickey Scott and Guy Gray, as both are ill at this time. We have a long prayer list, so just pray for Cedar Grove’s prayer list. I am sure God has read it.
Check our website at You can even read the church news on there.

Christ Independent Methodist Church
Sunday was a special Sunday at CIMC. Besides having our executive director, Dr. Mike Weldon, with us from Mississippi, we observed Pastor Appreciation Sunday by honoring Dr. Weldon and our own pastor, Dr. Mac Stinson and wife Glenda. Each of the above were presented cards and gifts of appreciation by Laurel Lee Adams.
This ceremony of appreciation was followed by Dr. Weldon bringing our morning worship service taking his scripture reading from Numbers 13:26-33.
His sermon was preceded by the good news that our association, AIM, is growing worldwide. Our newest church is in Poland. Our doctrine of faith drew their church to become Independent Methodist — AIM. The newsletter is now sent electronically through e-mail around the world.
Dr. Weldon continued his morning service by explaining how the scripture was interpreted by people of that day. It was a time of decision. Then, as now, people have always been faced with having to make choices and live by the choices they have made. Every choice we make carries a consequence with it. That is the situation faced by the people in today’s scripture.
Dr. Weldon pointed out three serious mistakes the men made: 1) They had forgotten how wonderful it is to be saved. How awful it had been to be in bondage in Egypt; 2) After years of wandering, they were satisfied with the present; 3) They had fear of the future.
Is it not strange to realize again that what goes around comes around? Do we know anyone today who is not afraid for our future? Read Numbers.
We at CIMC want to thank each of you who have given memorials in memory of a dear member, Wilma Ellison. Also, we appreciate and thank each of you who provided food for our Pastor Appreciation Day dinner.
Continue prayer for Cindy McCavitt, our military, their families, our country, community, church, Israel, Christians everywhere and each other.
Have a blessed week.

Church of God’s Word
Bro. Jimmy Langston led us in a word of prayer, then we studied 2 Timothy 4 in Sunday School.
In his sermon, Bro. Ray preached about God creating the bottomless pit for Satan and his followers. Everybody who refuses to walk with God walks with Satan. Unless you are born again, you will never enter into heaven.
I don’t have any desire to go to that bottomless pit. I have examined my life every day. The Bible tells us we should pray for those that spitefully use us or speak evils of us. Everybody that walks into the churches is not your brother or sister. The Bible tells us to be aware of those that are well spoken of. People don’t always want to hear the truth; they want to hear that what they are doing is all right.
God will chastise those he loves, but if we get angry, then God’s hands are tied.
The Bible tells us that we are not to touch His anointed, and that who He calls He also equips. Jesus knew that each and every one of us was going to be born. Jesus died for our sins, and all we have to do is ask Him and He will forgive us. There is a time to praise and worship so we can bring the presence of God into the service. We are in here for our own good — to learn more about God and to walk close with him. We still have a Father, and the Father corrects his kids. That is why we want Him to correct me so I can go to heaven.
If He has called you to be a prayer warrior and you don’t, He will take it and give it to someone else. Men are after their own selves and don’t want to do anything for anyone else.
If you got convicted, don’t sit there. If you need prayer or anything, we will pray for you.  We invite everyone that is looking for a church to come and be with us.
The church will be having a weenie roast and games for the kids on Oct. 28 at 6 p.m.

Jackson Chapel
Bro Gary Fant got the morning worship service started off with “Sweet By and By” and “I Feel Like Traveling On,” and after the good congregational singing, Bro Dennis blessed us with “Thank Him For The Miracle.”
Bro Dennis’ text came from Hebrews 2:1-4 with a message entitled “What Will You Say To God.” We as Christians need to heed the word of God because God warns us about things we should not do.  We should live by the word of God and obey his commandments so when we stand before God one day, we will not have to worry about what we will say. The service ended with the altar filled with people praying for various needs.
Bro Gary Fant got the evening service started off with “More About Jesus,” “Jesus is Coming Soon” and “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” Bro Gary Fant blessed us with “Filled With The Spirit” and Luke Wilson really blessed our hearts as he sang “Deep and Wide.”
Bro Dennis’ text came from Numbers 14:36-45 with a message entitled “We Can’t Have It Our Way.” We as Christians need to strive to do things God’s way instead of our way, because if we do things our way we can rest assured we’re going to make a big mess out of it.  God’s word gives us instructions to follow so we can do it his way. That is why it is so important that we read God’s word daily.  We need to be faithful to God because he is always faithful to us.
Please remember these as you pray this week — Harold Sansom, Devaughn Welcher, Janie Smitherman, James and Marie Johnson, Faye Baker, Margie Baker, Mickey Scott, the Callie Samya family, Guy Gray, Marie Rhodes, Vickie Johnston, the Derrick Reliford family, our lost loved ones and our servicemen and women.

Mt. Carmel No. 1
We had a great time in God’s house Sunday, worshiping together. We were truly blessed by so many visitors. In the absence of our pastor, Bro. Derrell Jones and his family, who have gone on a well-deserved vacation, Bro. Chad Foshee brought our message.
After the choir and congregation was led in singing the beautiful old songs, especially “What a Day That Will Be,” Bro. Chad brought our message focused on 1 Corinthians 13:1-7, 13 entitled “What is Love.” Are we, as Christians, showing our love? “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Jesus commanded us to love one another as he has loved.
Our service was closed with altar prayer. The altar was filled with loved ones praying for little Jacob Jones, the baby of Erica and Justin Jones. Praise to the Lord for answering prayers; Robert and Minnie Childress were able to be in church again this week. Thank you, Jesus.
Sunday evening’s message was “Tornado Warning” from Matthew 8:23-27.
Thanks to all who had a part in Zaxby’s Spirit Day and the support for our youth.
Remember Oct. 30 is youth Sunday. The youth will be in charge of all the Sunday School classes for the day. Also we will observe Pastor Appreciation Day. We will have lunch following the morning service.
The WMU is sponsoring a canned food drive to be donated to the emergency assistance center. A box is in the church foyer for the collection of canned food.
Remember to read your Bible and pray daily, walk close to the Lord. Pray for us at Mt. Carmel and all the names on our prayer list, and we will be praying for you.
See you in church Sunday.

Mt. Springs
Services started Sunday, Oct. 16 with Bro. Kenneth Moates leading the church in the hymns: “Victory in Jesus,” “The Old Gospel Ship,” “Wonderful Peace” and “Where the Soul Never Dies.” Bro. Roger Cleckler’s devotion was taken from Romans 15:13. If we want to be filled with the joy, peace and hope of Jesus Christ, we must seek it through the power of the Holy Ghost.
After Sunday School, Bro. Kenneth led the service in the hymns: “When the Roll is Called up Yonder” and “I Have Somebody With Me.” Debbie Barnett sang “Still Blessed” and did a wonderful job.
Bro. Sam Ross preached from Deuteronomy 6:1-25, and his message was entitled “Let’s Not Forget.” People have forgotten everything that God has done for them. So many times we get caught up in the worldly things and forget about God. God gave you a family, a church, and most of all a Savior. Don’t forget about God because he is the one person that we should never forget.
Sunday night service started off with Bro. Kenneth Moates leading in the hymns: “Oh, I Want to See Him,” “That Glad Reunion Day” and “Mansion Over the Hilltop.” Kenneth Moates’ devotion was taken from Psalms 91:1. We are always able to call on God; if we dwell in him he will always be there to comfort us.
Bro. Sam Ross’s message was taken from Ephesians 3: 20-21. Three words that we should never forget are “God is Able.” Only God is able to save us from the consequences of our sins.
Here’s a verse for you this week, Matthew 6:21: “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

Samaria Baptist
Our services were truly blessed Sunday with the playing of Jeannie Mims, and the singing of Jeannie, her son Jeremy and grandson, Dallas.  It certainly appears that little Dallas is following in the talented footsteps of his family.  They sang “I Cast My Bread Upon the Water,” and we all received a blessing.
Prayer concerns remain for Ray Hardee and Horace Cleckler. Ashley Spencer will have surgery this week, and our prayers go out to her.  Our pastor enjoyed a birthday this week, and we recognize Brother Charles for another milestone.  This man of God gets better each time he steps behind the sacred desk.
Our message was from 1 Peter 1-9, God’s chosen people.  Many people reject God and turn their backs on Him. Israel rejected Him, especially those in authority.  This generation has rejected Jesus, and in some ways crucified Him all over again.  We have been grafted in by the Holy Spirit, through the blood of Jesus.  We are the new Israel.  We are blessed with the privileges of God’s people, by the death of Jesus, and His resurrection from the dead.
We know that we pass from death unto life when we leave this world.  The thief on the cross repented when he said that the thieves deserved to die, but that Jesus had done no wrong.  Jesus promised him that he would be with Him in paradise.  Remember, we are not a country club. We don’t just gather and fellowship.  It is our task to see and bring the lost to the savior.  The church operates under God’s eternal purpose, and we are encouraged or discouraged by the rise and fall of the church.
We are God’s church; and we are responsible to him as we serve and carry on for Him.
Join us for worship. God loves you, and we welcome you to Samaria this week.

Walnut Creek United Methodist
What a great start. How about pancakes and sausage — real sausage and turkey sausage — coffee and orange juice? Thanks so much, Mark and David Horn, and the faithful Renee.
We are still touched to learn that we lost one of our family, Evelyn Stapp. She was such a warm and sweet lady; she will be missed.
My friend, Myrtice Enfinger, was doing better but not quite well enough for the whole morning, so she had to miss Sunday School.
We prepared ourselves with the prelude by the musicians, and Bro. Tony gave us the greetings and announcements, reminding us of the spaghetti lunch following worship. Proceeds will be used for our new playground equipment.
Sharing joys and concerns: I couldn’t see in the back, but it was a joy for those of us that remember Nell Klinner. Visiting us was Suzanne, her granddaughter.
Tony had a special message from Titus 1:7 and Timothy 3:3. The benediction was led by Nina Tippett.
We went to our Family Life Center for the spaghetti lunch and enjoyed it so much. The salad and rolls make for good spaghetti; good work, ladies.
Remember those in need of prayer — Agnes Easterling, the Headley family, Evelyn Stapp family, Mr. Popwell’s family, Peggy Cleckler, Dave and Hazel Hanline, Ray and Myrtice Enfinger, Jerry and Gene Gilliland and Charles Dennis (Charlotte’s dad).
Sunday, Oct. 23 is our Charge Conference Worship Service at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 26 is our fall festival at 6 p.m.