Jemison council hears police report
Published 8:06 pm Monday, April 4, 2011
The Jemison City Council on Monday heard an interesting report from Police Chief Shane Fulmer: Reports and citations were up dramatically in the first quarter of 2011 compared to the same time last year, but arrests and traffic accidents worked were both down slightly.
Jemison officers have taken 199 reports in the quarter (up 55.5 percent from last year), made 131 arrests (down one arrest) and issued 263 citations (up 48.6 percent).
Also, JPD opened 46 felony cases from Jan. 1 through March 31. Thirty-eight have been closed, and the other eight are still active.
In other business, the council:
•Tabled a discussion about the city’s annual beautification project to the next scheduled meeting, which will be held April 18. The vote to table the discussion was 5-0, with Councilwoman Faye King abstaining.
King voiced displeasure over other councilmembers’ unwillingness to commit to the project as it has been carried out in recent years.
•Opened a public hearing concerning a license to sell alcohol for Hidden Meadow Vineyard.
•Passed an ordinance to accept a portion of County Road 848 into the city and to name the road Carson Lane.
Two residents living off the road, Daniel Hughes and William E. Busby, presented the city with a right of way deed.
•Heard a presentation from Connie Bainbridge, manager of community and economic development with Central Alabama Electric Cooperative, about attracting new businesses to the city.