County looking for road money
Published 10:38 pm Monday, February 22, 2010
Much of Monday night’s Chilton County Commission meeting was spent looking for ways to fund the repair of roads and bridges.
Upon the recommendation of Bobby Agee, the commission voted to contact Chilton County’s legislative delegation about any assistance available to replace a washed out bridge on County Road 455.
Several residents of 455 asked about bridge replacement as well as maintenance of the road.
County Engineer Tony Wearren said the bridge ranked 13th on a state priority list and estimated it could cost between $500,000 and $1 million to replace.
Wearren added that bridge replacement would take priority over paving the road, but the area has been prone to flooding for years.
“We’re using our best judgment,” Wearren told resident Nolan Easterling, who had asked why other roads in the area had been worked first.
“It’s dragging the bottom out of vehicles,” Easterling said, pointing out that 455 is on a school bus route.
Residents of County Road 61 also complained about flooding in their yards and driveways. Wearren said pipes had been installed to prevent flooding on the roadway itself.
Commissioners also entertained holding a public hearing regarding a 1-cent sales tax for roads, but no decision was reached.
In other business, the commission:
Voted to allow EMA Director Bill Collum to request bids on new shelters at Union Grove and East Chilton fire departments
Approved the hire of Cindy Jones in the Motor Vehicles and Licensing Department as requested by Tax Collector Tim Little, to fill a vacant position
Agreed to advertise for bids on an abandoned trailer recently removed from county property
Voted to allow the Chilton County Master Gardeners to maintain the courthouse grounds and flower beds at no cost to the county.