Thank you for giving this year
Published 4:30 pm Thursday, December 25, 2008
Over the holidays many people put forth a good foot and gave toys, clothes or monetary donations to one or more of the local charities.
With the economy being as bad off as it has been, there have been more people needing help than there have been people that could help. Even through everything, though, there have been several people who have shown that they can survive off of less to make sure they help out people less fortunate within their community.
The charities were set up to help make sure children around the county had a good Christmas even if their parents couldn’t afford to provide one for them. With the current economy status, there have been more families who have needed help, and the more families that need help, the more children that have to be provided for since some families can have multiple children in them.
Overall, the charities in the county raised enough money to provide Christmas to at least 650 kids because of the help of generous donations from community members.
Without the help of the community, this many children would go without knowing what a good Christmas is. Everyone that was working with one of the charities said that they couldn’t believe the amount of support coming from people of Chilton County and that the people here must really love one another to make sure that these kids got the chance to open gifts on Christmas morning.
“I know that things have been tough this year, but all we can do is keep having faith that everything will work out and we will get enough donations to buy the Christmas presents that the kids need,” Maplesville Town Clerk Sheila Haigler said.
We here at The Clanton Advertiser are thankful to everyone that helped to make this year a special year for so many children in the county.